工具包檢索 Searching for Partners based on collaboration methods, languages, school level and types of exchange activities
School / International Exchange Method
School Level
Language 英語(English)
School Level Age: 13~15
Activity 國際筆友(E-pals) 語言交流(Language exchanges) 共備課程(Cross-border curriculum development) 文化交流(Culture exchanges) 主題討論(含聯合國永續發展議題)(Theme-based discussion, including SDGs) 參與國際專案計畫(Participation in international projects)
Language 英語(English) 日語(Japanese) 其他(Other)
School Level
Activity 語言交流(Language exchanges) 文化交流(Culture exchanges)
Language 英語(English) 日語(Japanese) 其他(Other)
School Level
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社會文化體驗(Social and humanities experience education programs)
Language 英語(English) 日語(Japanese) 其他(Other)
School Level
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社會文化體驗(Social and humanities experience education programs)
Language 英語(English)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社團體驗(School club experience) 實作工作坊(Hands-on workshops)
Language 英語(English) 韓語(Korean) 華語(Mandarin)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社團體驗(School club experience) 社會文化體驗(Social and humanities experience education programs) 實作工作坊(Hands-on workshops)
Language 英語(English) 日語(Japanese)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 國際筆友(E-pals) 語言交流(Language exchanges) 共備課程(Cross-border curriculum development) 文化交流(Culture exchanges) 主題討論(含聯合國永續發展議題)(Theme-based discussion, including SDGs) 參與國際專案計畫(Participation in international projects)
Language 英語(English)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 國際筆友(E-pals) 語言交流(Language exchanges) 主題討論(含聯合國永續發展議題)(Theme-based discussion, including SDGs)
Language 英語(English)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社團體驗(School club experience) 社會文化體驗(Social and humanities experience education programs) 實作工作坊(Hands-on workshops)
Language 英語(English)
School Level Age: 16~18
Activity 校園參訪(Campus tours) 入班交流(Auditing classes) 社團體驗(School club experience)