單元名稱 1
教學節次 | 第 1 節~第 2 節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國 E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國 E4 了解國家文化的多樣性。 國 E9 運用多元方式參與學校的國際文化活動。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) | [社會領域] 1a-Ⅱ-1 辨別社會生活中的事實與意見。 2a-Ⅱ-1 關注居住地方社會事物與環境的互動、差異與變遷等問 題 3b-Ⅱ-2 透過適當的管道蒐集與學習主題相關 的資料,並判讀其正 確性。 摘取相關資料中的重點。 2b-II-2感受與欣賞不同文化的特色。 [英語領域] 1-Ⅱ-7 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。 1-Ⅱ-8 能聽懂簡易的教室用語。 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 1-Ⅱ-10 能聽懂簡易句型的句子。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-6 能以正確的發音及適切的語調說出簡易句型的句子。 6-Ⅱ-1 能專注於教師的說明與演示。 6-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 6-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 6-Ⅱ-4 認真完成教師交待的作業。 8-Ⅱ-1 能了解國內外基本的招呼方式。 8-Ⅱ-2 能了解課堂中所介紹的國內主要節慶習俗。 8-Ⅱ-3 能了解課堂中所介紹的國外主要節慶習俗。 8-V-3 能從多元文化觀點,了解並尊重不同的文化及習俗。 6-V-8 能欣賞英語歌謠、韻文音韻之美。 6-V-7 能積極以英語文為工具,探索新知並關注國際議題。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.用餐禮儀-中外大不同、營養午餐應有禮儀。 2.國內外學生上學時間、營養午餐時間、內容及價格。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words:
comity of nations, lunch ,cost
Chinese food etiquette, Western food etiquette
School lunchbox
目標句型target sentence:
1. Dining etiquette is very important.
2. I _____ to show that I am a polite person.
3. I wipe my mouth with a tissue to show that I am a polite person.
4. What time does he/she go to school?
5. I went to school at _____ o’clock and go home at ______ o’clock.
6. What do we have in school lunchbox?
7. We usually have ______ for lunch.
單元學習目標 | 1.MANNERS-國際禮儀部分能了解中式餐點、西式餐點的用餐禮儀,及學生在校使用營養午餐應有的禮儀並實踐。 2.MEALS-了解各國小學生上學時間及是否在校使用營養午餐、午餐內容、用餐時間、午餐價格等,依照自己所熟知的台灣學童營養午餐制度對照其他國家學童午餐的對比。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
I. Warm up暖身活動(15 mins)
目標字詞target words:
comity of nations, lunch
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
Dining etiquette is very important. What should we do to be polite in meal?
Studests may say:
No sound when eating.
Keep the desktop clean.
Don't talk while eating.
Do not leave your seat while eating.
Teacher may say:
Let’s see the pictures and learn the food etiquettes.
II. Presentation – 中西餐禮儀的異同 (25 mins)
1. 營養午餐應注意的禮儀
2. 中式餐點使用時的用餐禮儀
3. 西式餐點使用時的用餐禮儀
目標字詞target words:
Chinese food etiquette, Western food etiquette
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
Dining etiquette is very important. So what shall we do to be polite in meal?
Maybe you can say:
“I ___ to show that I am a polite person.”
Just like:
I wipe my mouth with a tissue to show that I am a polite person.
Students may say:
I do not leave my seat to show that I am a polite person.
I finish my food to show that I am a polite person.
Teacher can say:
What is the difference between Chinese food etiquette and Western food etiquette?
Students may say:
Tableware is different.
I have to pick up my own dishes when eating Chinese food.
Adults start eating first when eating Chinese food.
台灣、巴西、土耳其、日本、德國、美國、義大利、加拿大學生營養午餐介紹(每個影片1分鐘內) |
III. Practice -Cluture learning 文化學習與英文聽力訓練(20 mins)
目標字詞target words:
comity of nations, lunch ,cost
School lunchbox
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
What time does he/she go to school?
Students may say:
He goes to school at 8 o’clock to 13 o’clock.
She goes to school at 9 o’clock to 14 o’clock.
Teacher say:
What time do you go to school?
Students may say:
I went to school at ___ o’clock and go home at ___ o’clock.
Teacher say:
What do we have in school lunchbox?
Students may say:
We usually have ___ for lunch.
台灣、巴西、土耳其、日本、德國、美國、義大利、 加拿大學生營養午餐介紹(每個影片1分鐘內) |
學生能了解台灣上學時間、營養午餐的價格與營養價值。 |
IV. Cultural comparison and analysis各國文化比較與分析 (20 mins)
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher say:
What do we have in school lunchbox?
Students may say:
We usually have rice for lunch.
We have rice, meat and vegetables in our lunch
We have eggs in our lunch.
Teacher say:
We pay 45 dollars for lunch per day, it is much cheaper than other countries. What is your opinion?
認識不同國家學生的不同午餐,相應的營養午餐政策(時間、內容、價格) | ||
參考資料連結 | 1. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:跟著禮賓司長學國際禮儀(出版社:前程文化) 2. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:小學生也懂國際禮儀-贏在國際接軌的起跑點(出版社:伊莉莎白禮儀協會) 3. 自編教材及影片使用。 |
教學節次 | 第 3 節~第 4 節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國 E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國 E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國 E4 了解國家文化的多樣性。 國 E9 運用多元方式參與學校的國際文化活動。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
1a-Ⅱ-1 辨別社會生活中的事實與意見。 1a-Ⅱ-3 辨別社會生活中的 事實與意見。 分辨社會事物的類 別或先後順序。 舉例說明社會事物 與環境的互動、差異 或變遷現象。 1c-Ⅱ-1 判斷個人生活或民 主社會中各項選擇 的合宜性 2a-Ⅱ-1 關注居住地方社會事物與環境的互動、差異與變遷等問 題 2b-II-2感受與欣賞不同文化的特色。 3b-Ⅱ-2 透過適當的管道蒐集與學習主題相關 的資料,並判讀其正 確性。 摘取相關資料中的重點。 [英語領域] 1-Ⅱ-7 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。 1-Ⅱ-8 能聽懂簡易的教室用語。 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 1-Ⅱ-10 能聽懂簡易句型的句子。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-6 能以正確的發音及適切的語調說出簡易句型的句子。 3-Ⅱ-3 能看懂課堂中所學的句子。 5-Ⅱ-4 能運用所學的字母拼讀規則讀出英文字詞。 6-Ⅱ-1 能專注於教師的說明與演示。 6-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 6-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 7-Ⅱ-2 能妥善運用情境中的非語言訊息以幫助學習。 8-Ⅱ-1 能了解國內外基本的招呼方式。 8-Ⅱ-2 能了解課堂中所介紹的國內主要節慶習俗。 8-Ⅱ-3 能了解課堂中所介紹的國外主要節慶習俗。 8-V-3 能從多元文化觀點,了解並尊重不同的文化及習俗。 6-V-7 能積極以英語文為工具,探索新知並關注國際議題。 [藝術領域] 3-Ⅱ-1 能樂於參與各類藝術活動,探索自己的藝術興趣與能 力,並展現欣賞禮儀。 3-Ⅱ-4 能透過物件蒐集或藝術創作,美化生活環境。 3-Ⅱ-5 能透過藝術表現形式,認識與探索群己關係及互動 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.各國午餐認識-中外飲食大不同、營養午餐各國樣貌。 2.對各國營養午餐的喜好與表達。 3.製作日式午餐飯糰餐盒,手作日式飯糰。 4.感知並實踐日式餐盒的美感與趣味。 5.覺知中日午餐餐盒的異同點及優點。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words:
Rice, vegetable, meat, fish
rice ball
Lunch box
Japanese-style/ Taiwan-style
Bread Superman
目標句型target sentence:
1. I see ___ in the lunch box.
2. I can make a Japanese style lunch box.
3. I can make a Bread Superman in my lunch box.
4. I can make a Bread Superman rice ball in my lunch box.
5. I can make rice balls in my lunch box.
6. I like ___ in the lunch box.
7. I like ___ (Taiwan/Japanese) style lunch box.
8. What is the difference between a Japanese-style lunch box and a Taiwan-style lunch box?
單元學習目標 | 1. MEALS-透過網路資源了解各國午餐大致的內容並認識食材。 2. Makers-小朋友可以自製日式飯糰餐盒、依照自己的美學搭配來做餐盒配置,體驗並實踐自己的色彩及美感在課程活動中。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
V. Warm up暖身活動(20 mins)
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About
School Lunches Around the World Gallery
What people eat for lunch in 20 countries around the world
目標字詞target words:
Rice, vegetable, meat, fish
rice ball
Lunch box
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
What do you see in the lunchbox?
Studests may say:
I see ___ in the lunch box.
Teacher use target sentence:
What do you see in the lunchbox?
Studests may say:
I like ___ in the lunch box.
Teacher use target sentence:
Is anything different from the lunchbox in Taiwan?
Studests may say:
I never have ___ in my lunch box.
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About http://www.oprah.com/food/school-lunches-around-the-world-gallery-steven-stern/all
School Lunches Around the World Gallery https://www.insider.com/lunch-around-the-world-2016-6
What people eat for lunch in 20 countries around the world |
VI. Practice -DIY time 日式飯糰餐盒製作(40 mins)
1. 用日式飯糰照片讓孩子熟知日式餐盒樣貌
2. 日式飯糰實作DIY
目標字詞target words:
Rice, rice ball
Lunch box
Japanese style/ Taiwan style
Bread Superman
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
What do you see in the lunchbox?
Studests may say:
I see ___ in the lunch box.
Teacher use target sentence:
YES.I see rice balls,vegetable,eggs and hot dogs in the lunchbox.
Let’s make our own Japanese style lunchbox.
Teacher use target sentence:
We can make a BREAD SUPERMAN rice ball in the lunchbox.
Let’s do it.
Teacher use target sentence:
Let me see your lunchbox .
It’s so good.
What is the difference between a Japanese-style lunch box and a Taiwan-style lunch box?
Studests may say:
I never have ___ in my lunch box.
There is ___ in Japanese-style lunch box.
There is ___ in Taiwan-style lunch box.
VII. Presentation – 餐盒製作介紹與分享 (10 mins)
1. 日式餐盒設計的特色
2. 跟平日台灣營養午餐的異同。
3. 分享與欣賞自己與同學創意
目標字詞target words:
Rice, rice ball
Lunch box
Japanese style/ Taiwan style
Bread Superman
目標句型target sentence:
Teacher use target sentence:
Let’s welcome team 1 share their own lunchbox.
Students may say:
1. I make a ___ in my lunchbox.
2. I made a ___ (Bread Superman) in my lunch box.
3. I made a Bread Superman rice ball in my lunch box.
4. I made rice balls in my lunch box.
5. It is different from my Taiwan-style lunch box.
VIII. Cultural comparison and analysis各國文化比較與分析(10 mins)
目標字詞target words:
Rice, vegetable, meat, fish
rice ball
Lunch box
Japanese-style/ Taiwan-style
Bread Superman
目標句型target sentence:
1. I see ___ in the lunch box.
2. I can make a Japanese style lunch box.
3. I can make a Bread Superman in my lunch box.
4. I can make a Bread Superman rice ball in my lunch box.
5. I can make rice balls in my lunch box.
6. I like ___ in the lunch box.
7. I like ___ (Taiwan/Japanese) style lunch box.
8. What is the difference between a Japanese-style lunch box and a Taiwan-style lunch box?
參考資料連結 |
1. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:跟著禮賓司長學國際禮儀(出版社:前程文化)
2. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:小學生也懂國際禮儀-贏在國際接軌的起跑點(出版社:伊莉莎白禮儀協會)
3. 網路資料連結
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About
School Lunches Around the World Gallery
What people eat for lunch in 20 countries around the world
世界各國午餐體驗 國際禮儀 餐桌美學實際操演(2節)
教學節次 | 第 5 節~第 6 節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國E4 了解國際文化的多樣性。 國E5 發展學習不同文化的意願。 國E8 體認國際能力養成的重要性。 國E9 運用多元方式參與學校的國際文化活動。 國E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) | [社會領域] 1a-Ⅱ-1 辨別社會生活中的事實與意見。 1a-Ⅱ-3 辨別社會生活中的 事實與意見。 分辨社會事物的類 別或先後順序。 舉例說明社會事物 與環境的互動、差異 或變遷現象。 1c-Ⅱ-1 判斷個人生活或民 主社會中各項選擇 的合宜性 2b-II-2感受與欣賞不同文化的特色。 [英語領域] 1-Ⅱ-7 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。 1-Ⅱ-8 能聽懂簡易的教室用語。 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 1-Ⅱ-10 能聽懂簡易句型的句子。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-6 能以正確的發音及適切的語調說出簡易句型的句子。 3-Ⅱ-3 能看懂課堂中所學的句子。 6-Ⅱ-1 能專注於教師的說明與演示。 6-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 6-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 7-Ⅱ-2 能妥善運用情境中的非語言訊息以幫助學習。 8-V-3 能從多元文化觀點,了解並尊重不同的文化及習俗。 6-V-7 能積極以英語文為工具,探索新知並關注國際議題。 [藝術領域] 3-Ⅱ-5 能透過藝術表現形式,認識與探索群己關係及互動 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.日式午餐用餐及餐桌美學體驗-中日飲食文化比較與美學樣貌。 2.對中日營養午餐的喜好與表達。 3.體驗日式午餐飯糰餐盒,擺設日式餐桌風格美感,體驗自己的手作日式飯糰,謹記用餐禮儀,感知並實踐日式生活的美感與趣味。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words: Table manners Polite Lunch box Japanese style Table setting Tableware style Classic style, Nature style, Elegant style, Leisure style, Sweetly style, Modern style Flowers 目標句型target sentence: Table manners are important. I want to be a person who understands international etiquette I like ___ (color) in my table. I like ___ (style). I like ___ in my lunch box. |
單元學習目標 | 1.Manners-用餐前再次複習用餐禮儀,實踐禮儀教學內容於教學活動中。 2.MEALS-透過日式飯糰餐盒的體驗感知中日午餐文化的差異並認識食材。 3.MOOD-運用簡單的餐桌擺設原理原則及美感喜好擺設日式飯糰餐盒,欣賞比較不同國家午餐及美食文化的美好,實踐並體驗自己的生活美感。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
IX. Warm up暖身活動(10mins)
目標字詞target words:
Table manners
目標句型target sentence:
Table manners are important.
I want to be a person who understands international etiquette
Teacher use target sentence:
Do you remember the table manners?
Let’s review table manners.OK?
Studests may say:
No sound when eating.
Keep the desktop clean.
Don't talk while eating.
Do not leave your seat while eating.
Teacher use target sentence:
Dining etiquette is very important. What should we do to be polite in meal?
Studests may say:
營養午餐禮儀PPT (REVIEW) |
X. Experience-各國餐桌布置的文化與美感體驗(30 mins)
1. 營養午餐應注意的禮儀
2. 中式餐點使用時的用餐禮儀
3. 西式餐點使用時的用餐禮儀
目標字詞target words:
Japanese style
Table setting
Classic style, Nature style, Elegant style, Leisure style,
Sweetly style, Modern style
目標句型target sentence:
I like ___ (color) in my table.
I like ___ (style).
I like ___ in my lunch box.
Teacher use target sentence:
Dining etiquette is very important. So what shall we do to be polite in meal?
Maybe you can say:
“I ___ to show that I am a polite person.”
Just like:
I wipe my mouth with a tissue to show that I am a polite person.
Students may say:
I do not leave my seat to show that I am a polite person.
I finish my food to show that I am a polite person.
Teacher can say:
What is the difference between Chinese food etiquette and Western food etiquette?
Students may say:
Tableware is different.
I have to pick up my own dishes when eating Chinese food.
Adults start eating first when eating Chinese food.
XI. Practice -Cluture learning – 日式餐盒享用 (25 mins)
目標字詞target words:
Table manners
Lunch box
Japanese style
Table setting
Classic style, Nature style, Elegant style, Leisure style,
Sweetly style, Modern style
目標句型target sentence:
Table manners are important.
I want to be a person who understands international etiquette
I like ___ (color) in my table.
I like ___ (style).
I like ___ in my lunch box.
Teacher use target sentence:
What time does he/she go to school?
Students may say:
He goes to school at 8 o’clock to 13 o’clock.
She goes to school at 9 o’clock to 14 o’clock.
Teacher say:
What time do you go to school?
Students may say:
I went to school at ___ o’clock and go home at ___ o’clock.
Teacher say:
What do we have in school lunchbox?
Students may say:
We usually have ___ for lunch.
XII. Cultural comparison and analysis各國文化比較與分析 (15 mins)
目標字詞target words:
Table manners
Lunch box
Japanese style
Table setting
Classic style, Nature style, Elegant style, Leisure style,
Sweetly style, Modern style
目標句型target sentence:
Table manners are important.
I want to be a person who understands international etiquette
I like ___ (color) in my table.
I like ___ (style).
I like ___ in my lunch box.
Teacher say:
What do we have in school lunchbox?
Students may say:
We usually have rice for lunch.
We have rice, meat and vegetables in our lunch
We have eggs in our lunch.
Teacher say:
We pay 45 dollars for lunch per day, it is much cheaper than other countries. What is your opinion?
學習單 | ||
參考資料連結 |
1. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:跟著禮賓司長學國際禮儀(出版社:前程文化)
2. 參考書目: 朱玉鳳:小學生也懂國際禮儀-贏在國際接軌的起跑點(出版社:伊莉莎白禮儀協會)
3. 參考書目: 濱 裕子:餐桌美學-現代風的時尚餐桌布置/MODERN TABLE SETTING(出版社:化學工業出版社-中國)
4. 參考書目: 丸山洋子:不可辜負的用餐時光-餐桌布置技巧/TABLE CREATION TECHNIQUE(出版社:機械工業出版社-中國)