單元名稱 3
候變遷與海平面上升 What change? Climate change. What’s up? Sea level ‘s up.(2節)
單元(一)單元名稱:氣候變遷與海平面上升 What change? Climate change. What’s up? Sea level ‘s up | |||
教學節次 | 第(一 )節~第( 二 )節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略 |
相關領域學習表現 (第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
[領域一] 自然科學 po-III-1 能從學習活動、日常經驗及科技運用、 自然環境、書刊及網路媒體等察覺問題 。 pc-III-2 能利用簡單形式的口語、文字、影像(例 如:攝影、錄影)、繪圖或實物、科學名詞、 數學公式、模型等,表達探究之過程、發現或成果。 ah-III-1 利用科學知識理解日常生活觀察到的現象。 [領域二] 英語文 ◎1-III-9 能聽懂簡易句型的句子。 2-III-7 能作簡易的回答和描述。 2-III-8 能作簡易的提問。 ◎3-III-1 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。 4-III-5 能正確使用大小寫及簡易的標點符號。 *4-III-6 能書寫課堂中所學的句子。 ◎5-III-4 能聽懂日常生活應對中常用語句,並能作適當的回應。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語學習內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1. 氣候變遷的事實 2. 海平面上升的原因、證據及對臺灣的影 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words: climate, change, cause, effect, threat, happen (is happening), global warming, crisis, sea level, iceberg, temperature, measure (measurement), urgent 目標句型target sentences: Climate change is happening / urgent / real. Sea level is rising / up. How do we measure sea level? What should we do to stop it? |
單元學習目標 (50~100字內) |
1. 歸納整理世界各國與臺灣海平面上升的事實與資訊 2. 製作臺灣海平面上升的視覺化資訊圖表(事實,證據與影響 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
Warm up: 引起動機 1. 教師整理地球樣貌今昔對照圖,讓小朋友預測課程主題 Teacher may say Please look at this picture. The left-hand side is The Earth few years ago. What do you see? Students may say: I see many trees. There are many green. The sky is blue. It’s pretty. 很漂亮 Teacher may say: Now, I will show you the right-hand side picture. It’s The Earth during those years. What do you see now? Students may say: So sad. It’s grey and dark. The trees are gone. I don’t like it. Teacher may say: Can you guess what are we going to talk about today? Students may say: Sky. Tree. 空氣污染 保護環境 地球毀滅 2. 播放氣候變遷影片加深小朋友動機 (世界各國極端氣候現象的影片) Teacher may say: We are going to talk about “climate change”. Let’s look at this video about “climate change”. Lecture and group discussion: 教師講述與小組討論 1. 說明氣候變遷,全球暖化與海平面上升的關係 Teacher may say: The Earth is getting hotter and hotter, it’s called “Global Warming” and it causes “Climate change”. Do you think it’s good or bad? Students may say: It’s very bad. I don’t like it. Teacher may say: Do you think it’s only bad for few people? Few countries? Or everyone who lives on the Earth? How about you? Here are the effects that caused by global warming (lack of food, weather changes, sea level rises…). Which one do you think is most important to Taiwan? 2. 列舉世界各國案例「消失的 吐瓦魯」 3. 請小朋友討論海平面上升對臺灣的影響 Teacher may say: Yes, sea level rising threats Taiwan and other countries as well. What’s the results? Can you guess? Students may say: Land will be small. People no home. 沒辦法住 4. 將海平面上升的參考資料整理為QR code,發下平板讓學生探索及閱讀 Teacher may say: Now, I am going to give you iPad to find out what’s the effect of sea level rising to Taiwan or Tainan. You can use iPad to scan the QR code and read. Lecture 教師講述 1. 介紹視覺化圖表 Teacher may say: Now, I am going to introduce you a useful tool called “infographic.” 2. 說明小組任務 Teacher may say: Your mission is to put the information about sea level rising together and make an infographic about it. You have about 30 mins to work on it and then you will get on the stage to do the presentation. Group work: 小組合作與發表 1. 小組共作臺灣海平上升的視覺化資訊圖表(事實,證據與影響) 2. 以英語文發表並互評 Teacher may say: Now, it’s the show time. I need you to pay attention to each other’s presentation and fill in the evaluation sheet. Here’s the sentences you may use for your presentation: Hello, we are group five. My name is Emily, John… Sea level is rising, and the cause is . The effect is . It threats Taiwan seriously. Climate change / Sea level rising is real! Thank you for listening. |
雙語簡報 10 shocking photos of Earth now and then by NASA https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=qGaPc7B1mCI YouTube Why do we need ice? https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=iGG7mD9LwAc&t=2s 綠色和平網站 威脅臺灣的危機 https://www.greenpeace.org/ taiwan/update/20760/%E4% B8%8D%E5%8F%AA%E6%9 8%AF%E3%80%8C%E8%AE %8A%E9%81%B7%E3%80% 8D%EF%BC%9A%E6%AD% A5%E6%AD%A5%E9%80%BC %E8%BF%91%E8%87%BA%E 7%81%A3%E7%9A%84%E6 %B0%A3%E5%80%99%E5% 8D%B1%E6%A9%9F/ TVBS:全球天氣異常綜合報導 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=vnGSAQeLji4 BBC: 從全球暖化看未來地球 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=WDIQbZ4bgBg National Geographic Climate 101 https://www.nationalgeo graphic.com/environment /article/global-warming-real NASA kids https://climatekids.nasa. gov/menu/water/ 學生用平板 QR code產生器 https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ TVBS:消失的吐瓦魯 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=NaxB3vOpqaQ 熱線追蹤: 全球暖化,你我都得搬家 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=oHfaHf8tJqE |
理解: 全球氣候變遷的事實與急迫性 歸納: 氣候變遷與海平面上升的關聯 整理: 海平面上升的起因,影響與可能的應對方式 創作: 將海平面上升的資料轉化為視覺化資訊圖表 發表: 小組發表自製的視覺化資訊圖表 |
「與海共生」Prototype of ECO solutions(3節)
單元( 二 )單元名稱:「與海共生」Prototype of ECO solutions | |||
教學節次 | 第( 三 )節~第( 五 )節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略 |
相關領域學習表現 (第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
[領域一] 綜合活動 2b-III-1 參與各項活動,適切表現自己在團體中的角色,協同合作達成共同目標。 3d-III-1 實踐環境友善行動,珍惜生態資源與環境。 [領域二] 自然科學 pc-III-2 能利用簡單形式的口語、文 字、影像(例 如:攝影、錄影)、繪圖或實物、科學名詞、 數學公式、模型等,表達探究之過程、發現或成果。 tr-III-1 能將自己及他人所觀察、記錄的自然現象與習得的知識互相連結,察覺彼此間的關係,並提出自己的想法及知道與他人的差異。 [領域三] 英語文 *4-III-6 能書寫課堂中所學的句子。 6-III-1 具有好奇心,主動向教師或同學提出問題。 ◎6-III-2 樂於參與課堂中各類練習活動,不畏犯錯。 6-III-6 在生活中接觸英語時,樂於探究其意涵並嘗試使用。 ◎9-III-1 能夠將所學字詞做簡易歸類。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語學習內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1. 「與海共生」生態創意發想 2. 平面或立體的生態創意發想作品 3. 合作佈 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words: respond to, solar panel, need, necessary, include, function(s), design, exhibition, clean energy, protect, rainforest, pollution, mind map, Eco-friendly, solution(s), carbon emission, UN (United Nations) 目標句型target sentences: What can you do to stop / slow down sea level rising? This is our Eco solution. The way we respond to sea level rising issue is . There are many people in Taiwan work hard to protect the environment |
單元學習目標 (50~100字內) |
1. 歸納整理世界各國與臺灣海平面上升的事實與資訊 2. 製作臺灣海平面上升的視覺化資訊圖表(事實,證據與影響 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
Review 複習 1. 教師展示上一單元的小組視覺化資訊圖表提問 Teacher may say: Do you remember the infographics you made last time? Let’s use them to review. 2. 播放關於臺灣海平面上升的報導 Teacher may say: You all did a great job about the sea level rising. Let’ s watch some videos about it, especially about Taiwan. Lecture 教師講述 1. 教師提問關於海平面上升的應對方式 Teacher may say: All of you know that sea level rise is very serious. What should we do? Students may say: 逃到國外 把水擋起來 Living on the boats. 2. 教師提供世界各地海上農場的故事,以及環保人士或組織的事蹟引導小朋友發想 Teacher may say: There are many countries also face the same problems. Do you know what do they do? Let’s look. 3. 介紹心智圖為工具 Teacher may say: Now, I am going to introduce you another useful tool called “mind map”. It can help you put our ideas and thoughts together. We will use it to discuss the solutions we may have about sea level rising. 4. . 說明小組任務 a. 將「與海共生」的生態創意應對發想寫或畫在心智圖上 b. 依據心智圖作出平面或立體的作品 Teacher may say: Your mission is to discuss your ideas about how to face or deal with the sea level rising issue. Write or draw them down in your mind map. Then, try to turn them into a poster or a real work. For example, if you think living on an island is the solution, you can make an island with people and label parts of the island. Group work 小組任務 Teacher may say: Maybe you should separate your team members to do different jobs. Our final mission is to put all our work in an exhibition and tell everyone how sea level rising is threating our life. a. 分配組員為製作組與佈展組 b. 作品組完成平面或立體作品 c. 佈展組佈置攤位及設計與參觀來賓的互動卡(Q &A) d. 所有組員一起練習以英語文說明小組的作品 |
小組創作的視覺化資訊圖表 YouTube 海平面上升對臺灣的影響 https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Mjl4j6vslm4 雙語簡報 心智圖學習單 世界漂浮島參考 https://techeconomy. ng/2020/08/if-these-crypto-utopias-were-created-in-nigeria-would-you-live-in-it/ |
應用: 依據「海平面上升」的知識發想「與海共生」的方法 創作: 將「與海共生」的發想化為平面或立體的作品 發表: 以英語文介紹小組的作品 |
世界公民齊行動「與海共生」生態展Sea level rises, so do kids.(1節)
單元( 三 )單元名稱:世界公民齊行動「與海共生」生態展Sea level rises, so do kids. | |||
教學節次 | 第(六 )節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略 |
相關領域學習表現 (第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
[領域一] 綜合活動 2b-III-1 參與各項活動,適切表現自己在團體中的角色,協同合作達成共同目標。 3d-III-1 實踐環境友善行動,珍惜生態資源與環境。 [領域二] 英語文 2-III-7 能作簡易的回答和描述。 ◎6-III-2 樂於參與課堂中各類練習活動,不畏犯錯。 7-III-3 在生活中能把握機會,勇於嘗試使用英語。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語學習內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1. 「與海共生」主題佈展 2. 「與海共生」的意涵 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞target words: exhibition, feedback, call for, introduce 目標句型target sentences: Thank you for coming to our exhibition. Sea level is rising and threat our life. Here’s what people do in Taiwan / the world to stop sea level rising/climate change. This is our prototype. We made a water farm / water village. Do you have any questions? |
單元學習目標 (50~100字內) |
1.能口頭說明「與海共生」的意涵以及臺灣或全球的做法及創意。 2. 能於展覽中Warm up暖身或生活中發揮自身影響力宣導海平面上升議題對臺灣及全球的重要性與急迫性 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
Review 複習 教師提供生活情境讓小朋友練習: 1. 如何向來賓解說? 2. 回答問題的禮儀 3. 有不懂的問題怎麼回應? 4. 如果有批評怎麼辦? 5. 如何與來賓互動? Teacher may say: Soon, our exhibition will begin. Now, I have some questions for you: What will you say to introduce your work or poster? What if someone say something mean? Show Time開放展覽 Teacher may say: Now, we are going to open the door and welcome the audience. Are you ready? Feedback 反思 展覽結束後,教師請小朋友發表回饋 Teacher may say: Wow! You guys are amazing! I can tell all guests are very surprised about your work. Well done! Now, is there anyone want to say something? Students may say: 好累喔! 很緊張! I will tell my mom and dad about sea level rising, too. 我可以叫阿姑阿嬤來看嗎? |
小組創作的「與海共生」平面或立體作品 反思回饋單 |
發表: 能口頭說明「與海共生」的意涵 應用: 利用所學關於氣候變遷的知識回答參展來賓的問題 |