單元名稱 4
相信。愛〜從SDGS做起 (4節)
課程/單元名稱 | 相信。愛〜從SDGS做起 | |||
總節數 | 4 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容 (Content)
語言學習內容 (Language of learning)
二、SDGs Song--Critical Thinking on SDGs 三、聯合國性平大使Emma Watson 重要事蹟和名言 四、Emma Watson聯合國性平演說 目標字詞 (Target Words):
sustainable, development, environmental, inequality, innovation. 目標句型 (Target Sentences):
一、To one’s sorrow, __________(gender equality) still has a long way to go because ____(most people don’t realize what inequality a female gets through in her whole life).
二、Were we to ignore _______(gender discrimination), ______(justice) would/wouldn't _____(prevail) in the near future.
三、I believe it _____________(a responsibility) for all people to achieve those sustainable development goals.
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
愛〜從SDGS做起-SDGs介紹--17項目標、中心思想及關鍵字詞 | 第一節
一、以播放PPT方式逐項介紹SDGs。簡報以SDGs圖標搭配目標字詞,以教師口述方式介紹。以SDGs 10介紹為例:
Teacher may say: SDGs 10 is about inequality. SDGs 10的inequality是指…。 二、教師引導學生歸納自己對各項SDGs的理解。
三、發下學習單(Unit 1-1 ),請學生先念出學習單上四個象限文字,並試著解釋其含意。
五、請各組學生上台分享答案及原因,並舉具體例子說明。以SDGs 10的inequality為例:
Students may say: SDGs 10- inequality 屬於______象限,因為______。 |
50 mins |
國U5-1 |
三、自評及他評: 讓學生填寫自評及他評表。
愛〜從SDGS做起-SDGs Song--Critical Thinking on SDGs | 第二節
Teacher may say: To one’s sorrow, __________(gender equality) still has a long way to go because ____(most people don’t realize what inequality a female gets through in her whole life). Were we to ignore _________(gender discrimination), ______(justice) would/wouldn’t _____(prevail) in the near future. I believe it _____________(a responsibility) for all people to achieve those sustainable development goals. 三、引導學生回答SDGs學習單問題並歸納個人對SDGs的觀點(運用目標句型)。
六、指派回家作業: 可參考他組同學回答並修正及補充觀點後,於下次上課繳交學習單。
50 mins | 國U5-2 |
愛〜從SDGS做起-聯合國性平大使Emma Watson 重要事蹟和名言 | 第三節
一、教師PPT介紹聯合國性平大使Emma Watson。
二、觀看Emma Watson聯合國性平演說。
50 mins |
愛〜從SDGS做起-性平光譜 |
藉由國際教育,同學可以得知發生在自身周遭的問題其實也是世界各地的人們面臨的問題,性平不只是為女性發聲,也是為男性發聲,透過尊重及友善的觀點教導,從「愛」的起點出發,希望同學能更尊重不同及多元,並營造更美好友善的社會氛圍,為永續發展盡一己之力。 |
50 mins |
Excellent 優良 100-90分 |
Good job很棒優良 89-80 分 |
Fair不錯 79-70分 |
To be improved 加油 69-60 分 |
1. 國U10分析國際間性平議題的背景脈絡與議題重點。 | 精確觀察議題/問題現象,完整勾勒並分析議題/問題之背景脈絡及現況 | 背景脈絡說明可呈現對議題/問題的觀察,現況分析呈現部分議題/問題之重點。 | 有呈現出議題/問題之背景脈絡,但現況分析較無法呈現議題/問題之重點。 |
無法清楚交代議題/問題之背景脈絡與現況,只能略知一二。 |
2、國U12 從國際性平議題反思自我生活現況,提出自我改進方式。 | 能在生活中展現對跨文化反思的重視(例如:對性平議題的敏覺尊重、檢視自身的性別偏見等)。 |
能舉出國際性平議題實例,強調跨文化反思對於肯認多元文化及促進國際理解的助益。 | 能舉出國際性平議題實例,說明跨文化反思得以消除文化中心主義或文化盲現象的關連。 | 能以性平議題具體事例,說明跨文化反思的重要性。 |
3.國U12 主動針對關鍵問題提出解決方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並發展出得以解決問題的方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並嘗試發展出解決方案。 | 覺察到議題相關的問題,找到一個簡單但不是最好的解決方案。 | 未辨識出議題的問題或忽視問題。 |
4. 國U12分析行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,評估不同行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,比較至少兩個相關行動策略的異同。 | 能針對現存性平議題,分析一個相對應的行動策略。 | 能針對現存性平議題,簡述一個相對應的行動策略。 |
課程/單元名稱 | 以愛之名,相「性平」等 | |||
總節數 | 6 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容 (Content)
語言學習內容 (Language of learning)二、台灣性平教育法、台灣性平工作法、性騷擾防治法、校園性侵害、性騷擾及性霸凌防治法。 三、女性在台灣社會和世界其他國家的處境。 四、性平定義和新冠疫情的衝擊。 五、各國提出/實行改善性別不平等的方法和策略 。 目標字詞 (Target Words): stereotype, limitation, restriction, bias or prejudice , gender discrimination , domestic violence , physical or sexual violence, violence against women and girls, mistreatment or abuse , be born equal, be treated equally, advocate and advance gender equality, a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world, make a harmonious society.
目標句型 (Target Sentences):
一、There is something bad about ________(girls not being permitted to go to school in some underdeveloping countries)
二、There is also something against females ______(going out to work in some conservative societies or other areas of the world).
三、There is a restriction/limitation that girls can’t _____(go out in the night in some countries)
四、There was a case reported on TV that ____(a woman suffered)
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等—What would you do and why? |
Teacher may say:
Do you treat people the same or differently based on their appearances, gender, races or nationalities? If yes, based on what and for what reasons? Students may say:
I treat people the same/differently based on ______. Students may use these words or idioms, answering the question. In my opinion, …. It is because… First,/To start with/To begin with/In the first place,…. Second, what’s more/Moreover/Furthermore/…. Finally,/Lastly,….. Teacher may conclude: People can’t decide their appearance, gender, race or nationality. Those are what they are born with . People are born equal and should be treated fairly and equally. 二、教師提請同學們思考生活中一般人常會因他人的性別而有不同待遇,進一步問為什麼?
Teacher may say:
In your daily life, have you ever seen people treated differently or discriminated because of gender? Students may say: I have seen some people discriminated against because of being female or a transgender. Teacher may conclude: If you were a female or a transgender, would you be happy to be treated that way? The answer is definitely no. People cater for respect, fairness and equality. 三、教師訊問同學們是否知道各國文化和歷史背景或宗教對不同性別有何不同對待方式?
Teacher may say:
There may be gender discrimination or mistreatment in other parts of the world. Females are badly treated or abused because of religion, culture, or customs. Do you know any about this? Students may say: Yes, I know that _______. 四、教師提出個人觀察到的性別議題的社會現象與評價:
Teacher uses the target sentence by saying:
There is something bad about girls not being permitted to go to school in some under-developing countries. There is also something against females going out to work in some conservative societies or other areas of the world. 五、請學生將反思性別議題的社會現象,將反思結果記錄在活動學習單中。
Teachers may hand out worksheets to each group, having students work with their peers and finish worksheets.
We see the people treated differently. Please review it and answer questions in the worksheet.Students may use these words in the worksheet.
In my opinion, …. It is because… First,/To start with/To begin with/In the first place,…. Second,What’s more/Moreover/Furthermore/…. Finally,/Lastly,…. |
50 mins |
國U1-2 國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U12-1 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等— 道明男孩女孩說 |
請各組同學思考和討論日常生活中因為性別帶來的優勢(strength)與劣勢(weakness),威脅和機會(threat or opportunity)包袱與特殊待遇。
Teacher may say:
Please think about what advantages and disadvantages you can take in you daily life because of your gender. Is there any restriction or limitation caused by stereotype about a certain gender? Have you ever encountered or noticed any advantages or disadvantages because of genders? Students may use these sentence patterns they have just learned: Yes, there is a restriction that girls can’t _____. There is also something against females _____. There is something bad about girls ______. |
50 mins |
國U1-1 國U1-2 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等—總結與分享 |
各組統整討論結果,然後上台分享學習單結果 。
Teacher may say:
Now have a panel discussion talking about gender SWOT. After 20 minutes, each group send up a representative onto the stage to speak up your conclusion. Group presentation: Invite students from each group and share their works. Students may say: My name is ____ from group ____ and I am here to share with you. The following are our opinions. In our opinion, …. First,/To start with/To begin with/In the first place,…. Second, What’s more/ Moreover/ Furthermore/… Finally,/Lastly,…. Thanks for listening.
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 |
上台報告: 根據學生上台分享之內容、流暢度予以評價。 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等 - Brainstorming |
Teacher may say:
Please brainstorm some women abuse cases. Is there news /a case of bias or prejudice reported on TV or in the newspapers? For example, women are mistreated or physically or sexually abused. or domestic violence. Students may say: There was a news /a case reported on TV/in the newspapers/online that__________. 二、文章引導
(二)提出文本內容相關的問題以引導再思考 (三)引導學生注意文本中的重要論述 (四)請學生靈活運用所學並完成學習單 Teacher may say and ask questions to help students better understand the article: Here is an article about females’ bad situation caused by Coronavirus. Now let’s read together. Please scan and get the gist. Then answer the following questions. (一)What is the first paragraph mainly about? (二)What is the definition of gender equality? (三)What have females suffered during the lockdown caused by severe pandemic?
50 mins
國U5-1 國U5-2 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等—台灣性平法規及國際人權法討論 | 第五節
Teacher may say:
Do you think Taiwan has equal gender treatment, namely, gender equality? Please give examples and state some cases to support your point of view. Students may say and use these words: Taiwan has equal/unequal gender treatment in … In my opinion, …. It is because… First,/To start with/To begin with/In the first place,…. Second, what’s more/ Moreover/Furthermore/…. Finally,/Lastly,…. 二、介紹台灣性平法條文內容讓同學們透過思考肯認台灣性平現況和目前在國際上尊重人權的指標地位。
Teacher may say:
Everyone is born and created equal. People, males or females or others, should have equal rights and be treated equally.Here are some of the gender equality laws Taiwan has enacted and implemented. Laws may not always be complete or incomplete. There may be some better ways or strategies to advance gender equality. What are your suggestions?
Students may say: In my opinion, the first thing/priority we can do is ______.
Teacher may say:
Please come up with some ways or strategies to advance or advocate gender equality to make a harmonious society. To reach the goal, to improve gender equality is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Now start to discuss and figure out clever ways to solve gender inequality problems. |
50 mins |
國U1-2 國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U12-1 |
以愛之名,相「性平」等—總結與分享 | 第六節
一、各組分組討論,然後上台分享第五節的學習單結果 。
Group presentation:
Invite students from each group and share their works. Students may say: My name is ____ from group ____ and I am here to share with you . We suggest that …. First,/To start with/To begin with/In the first place,…. Second,What’s more/Moreover/Furthermore/…. Finally,/Lastly,…. The above are the suggestions we come up with. Thanks for listening/your attention. 二、Wrap up
凡是人,不分性別、職業、年齡、種族都是一樣,享有法律保障的公平正義和人權平等,不論生活上職場上。 Teacher may conclude: All humans, regardless of their gender, age, race, should enjoy the same rights and justice granted by law in their life or career field. *提醒學生繳交分組討論單。
Teacher may remind students to hand in their worksheets.
50 mins |
國U1-1 國U1-2 國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U12-1 |
二、性別刻板突破策略與行動: 以雙語書寫與口頭分享,小組針對現存性平議題的觀察、不同行動策略的利弊得失評估、理想的解決方案。
本課程總結性評量之評量規準 (節)
Excellent 優良 100-90分 |
Good job很棒優良 89-80 分 |
Fair不錯 79-70分 |
To be improved 加油 69-60 分 |
1. 國U10分析國際間性平議題的背景脈絡與議題重點。 | 精確觀察議題/問題現象,完整勾勒並分析議題/問題之背景脈絡及現況 | 背景脈絡說明可呈現對議題/問題的觀察,現況分析呈現部分議題/問題之重點。 | 有呈現出議題/問題之背景脈絡,但現況分析較無法呈現議題/問題之重點。 |
無法清楚交代議題/問題之背景脈絡與現況,只能略知一二。 |
2、國U12 從國際性平議題反思自我生活現況,提出自我改進方式。 | 能在生活中展現對跨文化反思的重視(例如:對性平議題的敏覺尊重、檢視自身的性別偏見等)。 |
能舉出國際性平議題實例,強調跨文化反思對於肯認多元文化及促進國際理解的助益。 | 能舉出國際性平議題實例,說明跨文化反思得以消除文化中心主義或文化盲現象的關連。 | 能以性平議題具體事例,說明跨文化反思的重要性。 |
3.國U12 主動針對關鍵問題提出解決方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並發展出得以解決問題的方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並嘗試發展出解決方案。 | 覺察到議題相關的問題,找到一個簡單但不是最好的解決方案。 | 未辨識出議題的問題或忽視問題。 |
4. 國U12分析行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,評估不同行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,比較至少兩個相關行動策略的異同。 | 能針對現存性平議題,分析一個相對應的行動策略。 | 能針對現存性平議題,簡述一個相對應的行動策略。 |
The Woman I Admire the Most發表會:
神力(女)超人 (6節)
課程/單元名稱 | 神力(女)超人 | |||
總節數 | 5 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容 (Content)
一、性別傷害及不平等類別, 如 sexual abuse 和sexual assault
二、Nadeen Ashraf & Rina Akter&馬拉拉致力於性平事蹟 三、馬拉拉五大神奇事件影片內容。 四、馬拉拉背景、人物、事件和結局英文文章的主旨或大意 五、女性的迫害和不公平待遇國際事件 六、BBC和 Me too性平鬥士對社會國家的貢獻和努力 語言學習內容 (Language of learning) 目標字詞 (Target Words):
contribution, advocate, heroine, education, equal, policy. 目標句型 (Target Sentences):
一、Despite the difficulties/obstacles/frustrations, someone still_________(Malala still remains fighting for females’ equal access to education).
二、Women play a role in ______ (in responding to the virus, including as frontline healthcare workers and caretakers at home).
三、I hold the belief that _____(women can be treated equally as long as gender laws are completely made and enacted strictly and exactly).
四、It was because _______(most people are indifferent to this issue that gender equality hasn’t prevailed).
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
神力(女)超人 —觀影前置引導 | 第一節
Teacher may ask:
Who is the girl? Students may answer: She is Malala, a girl who fights for girls’education rights. Teacher may ask: What is she wearing? Students may answer: She has ____ on. Teacher may ask: What is her nationality? Students may answer: She is a/an ______. or She is from ______. Teacher may ask: What is she holding in her left hand? Students may answer: She is holding a/an ____ in her left hand. 二、詢問學生是否知道馬拉拉及其事蹟,並請學生說明自己對馬拉拉的認識。
Teacher may ask:
What else do you know about her? Students may answer: I know that ________. 三、請學生根據圖片題的問題,預測圖片可能的內容。
Teacher may ask:
What can be inferred from the film? Students may answer: It can be inferred that _____. 四、統整:使用情境圖馬拉拉的照片,說明馬拉拉來自巴基斯坦北部,該地區在2008年落入塔利班政權統治。
五、Introduction of Taliban
(二)請學生上網找巴基斯坦地理位置和女性現況。 (三)上台分享他們對巴基斯坦和塔利班政權的認識和感受。 Teacher may have a brief introduction of Taliban and have students share what they have learned or known in history or geography class about Taliban. 六、Film about Malala
播放影片三次 並完成學習單。 (一)第一次播放,請學生仔細聽,理解影片大致內容即可。 (二)第二次播放時,請學生注意哪些是問題所在的片段。若有需要,可按暫停,分段播放,或再播一次。
(三)搭配學習單引導方向並吸引學生學習興趣和專注。(四)檢討學習單。 Teacher may say: I am going to play the film called “Top 5 Amazing Facts About Malala.”. This film shows 5 things done by Malala, making the whole world amazed. Teacher hands out the worksheets for students to work on.Teacher may say: This video will be played three times. While watching it for the first time, please get the gist. For the second time, please pay more attention to the parts you don’t understand or follow. After watching the video three times, please answer the following questions in the worksheet. (Please refer to the worksheet.) (Students may know more about the amazing things done by Malala and understand better about her strong spirits introduced in the video.) (Teacher may have students share their answers and have another one respond to his or her classmate’s answer. Is it right or wrong or controversial? Teacher may conclude the answers to the questions.) 影片內容介紹
Top 5 Amazing Facts About Malala這支影片介紹五項關於馬拉拉的卓越事蹟,包括出版了自傳《我是馬拉拉:一位因爭取教育而被槍殺的女孩》(I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban)、獲得多項榮譽學位、原諒射殺她的槍手、從青少年時期就開始提倡女子的受教權、史上最年輕的諾貝爾獎得主。 |
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U10-1 |
神力(女)超人 —馬拉拉生平介紹(影片) | 第二節
Article about Malala’s story
文章導讀 一、請同學先快速瀏覽文本,擷取重要訊息,抓住每段的主旨大意 Teacher may help students get the main ideas of each paragraph by asking the following questions:
Teacher may ask: Q.1 When the Taliban ruled her hometown, what did Malala’s father encourage her to do? Students may answer: It was____that Taliban ruled Malala’s hometown. Her father encouraged her to_____. Teacher may ask: Q.2 Why did the Pakistani government launch a new policy ensuring gender equality in education? Students may answer: It was because_____ that the Pakistani government launched a new policy. Teacher may ask: Q.3 What message did Malala send to the world in her UN speech? Students may answer: It was ____ that Malala sent to the world in her UN speech. Teacher may ask: Q.4 What kind of girl do you think Malala is? Students may answer : It is ____that Malala is. Teacher may ask: Q.5 Do you agree that education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world? Why or why not? Students may answer: Yes/No, I agree/disagree. It is because____that education is/isn’t the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. 文章內容簡介: 本文講述的是巴基斯坦人權鬥士Malala Yousafzai在17歲拿下諾貝爾和平獎之前所遭受的際遇,並藉此說明她所做的努力與她能獲獎的原因。生活在由塔利班政權(Taliban)統治的巴基斯坦,Malala是少數在家人的支持下、還能繼續接受教育的女子。為了爭取女性的受教權,她主動接受西方媒體的採訪且積極發聲,最後遭到暗殺槍擊,這場槍擊引起全球關注且推動巴基斯坦政府進行改革。傷癒後的Malala仍不改其志、繼續努力,因而獲得諾貝爾和平獎的殊榮。 二、引導學生思考,藉著提出文本內容相關的問題, 同時引導句子運用。
Teacher may help students get the main ideas of each paragraph by asking the following questions:
Teacher may ask: Q.1 When the Taliban ruled her hometown, what did Malala’s father encourage her to do? Students may answer : It was____that Taliban ruled Malala’s hometown. Her father encouraged her to_____. Teacher may ask: Q.2 Why did the Pakistani government launch a new policy ensuring gender equality in education? Students may answer: It was because_____ that the Pakistani government launched a new policy. Teacher may ask: Q.3 What message did Malala send to the world in her UN speech? Students may answer: It was ____ that Malala sent to the world in her UN speech. Teacher may ask: Q.4 What kind of girl do you think Malala is? Students may answer: It is ____that Malala is. Teacher may ask: Q.5 Do you agree that education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world? Why or why not? Students may answer: Yes/No, I agree/disagree. It is because____that education is/isn’t the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. 三、請學生靈活運用此單元所學目標單字和句型在學習單中,提出個人對平權運動的觀察與歸納。
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U10-1 |
神力(女)超人 —海選神力(女)超人 | 第三節
Activity 1: Who is our heroine?“海選神力(女)超人”
二、發下學習單,請各組先瀏覽.BBC或Me too 網站。
三、討論並從BBC或Me too 網站中選定一位小組將發表的性平運動代表人物,寫下這位女英雄背景、事蹟、貢獻、最後的結果。
四、分享各組討論學習單結果 。(每組10-15分鐘,需要兩節課,搭配自評表,發表者可以反思自己的表現,和填報他評表,幫助聽眾專注聆聽)
Teacher may demonstrate using two PPTs:
There are many other females working or fighting for female’s rights, or gender equality. Here are examples of two women, who have done much to help the disadvantaged or sexually-abused women. Teacher may say: Boys and girls, please refer to these two websites, BBC or Me Too, to find out more gender advocate and discuss with your partners to choose one as your heroine. And work together to fill in all the information about the heroine. Next time we meet, everyone of each group has to come up to make a 3-5 minute presentation of the part you are responsible for. Please present with PPT or a poster. (Students may start their discussion, distributing their assignment and surf the internet for the target information.)
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U10-2 國U12-1 |
神力(女)超人 —觀念統整 |
一、 Activity 2 活動二(Homework)
Teacher may hand out the “The Woman I Admire the Most”worksheets for students to finish at home. It’s an after-school assignment based on the information which they have found out and they have to organize into a fully developed- and well-organized article.
二、Wrap up 觀念統整
人小,但是志氣不能小。Malala年齡小,志氣高,憑著她一個人的努力,用行動力來改變社會、國家、甚至世界,足以成為大家的榜樣和模範。目前世界各國有不少像 Malala 的女英雄,正在發起社會運動,爭取女性平權。同學們亦可以成為第二個 Malala或英雄, 用行動來幫助需要幫助的人,支持性平團體組織,來為人權性平盡一己之力,共創性別平等友善的環境。
Teacher may conclude: Even though young, Malala holds strong belief that she can do something for females to have equal access to education as long as she sticks to this goal and is devoted to helping females. Action can make a difference to society, to the country and even to the world. With Malala and other heroines as role models you can follow or learn from, try to make as many contributions to the world as you can. *提醒每位學生要上台發表Top 100 Women in BBC or Me Too分組討論成果,以PPT或海報方式呈現,和繳交個人作業The Woman I Admire the Most。
Teacher may remind : Students hand in worksheets on time and prepare fully to present your works. |
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U10-2 國U12-1 |
神力(女)超人 —學生發表 | 第五節
一、Presentation 學生發表 (50 mins )
Teacher may say:It’s your show time. Show us what you have done and found out the super man or woman’s contribution to gender equality, making a gender-friendly environment.
(一)請每位學生上台做2-3分鐘的簡報或海報介紹,展現成果。 (二)請其他學生專心聆聽並寫Self and Peer evaluation 評量單。 (三)評量時依據簡報內容豐富度和表達清晰度給予等第。 (四)發表完的同學亦得填寫自評表。 (五)發表結束後老師講評並針對同學的表現再次提醒如何使PPT更吸睛。
二、Group presentation:
Invite students from each group and share their works.
Teacher may say: The person you are presenting is _____. She is a heroine, not only advocating gender equality but(also) fighting for female rights. Despite all the difficulties she encountered, she still persists in her goal. She plays an influential role not only in advocating gender equality but also in fighting for female rights. Students may use the target sentences and say: My name is ____ from group ____ and I am here to share with you . The person I am presenting is _____. She is a heroine, not only but(also)____ . Despite all the difficulties she encountered, she still ____. She plays an influential role not only in advocating gender equality but also in fighting for female rights. To conclude, the above are the contribution the heroine has done. Thanks for listening. 三、觀念統整:
Teacher may conclude and give comments on students' presentations: All of you did a good job, except that several of you got nervous or too small voice . I really appreciate what you have done. Now, everyone of you know from your works that in all parts of the world, there are many rights fighters devoted to helping the minorities or disadvantaged. Looking at their efforts, please reflect on what you as a global citizen can do for the world. What can be done to help those in need to bring well-being for all humans and make the world a gender-friendly environment. |
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U5-2 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U10-2 國U12-1 |
二、The Woman I Admire the Most發表會:以簡報PPT及口頭報告形式,使用目標字詞、句型,準確傳達個人對性平表率的觀察與評價。
本課程總結性評量之評量規準 (節)
Excellent 優良 100-90分 |
Good job很棒優良 89-80 分 |
Fair不錯 79-70分 |
To be improved 加油 69-60 分 |
1. 國U10分析國際間性平議題的背景脈絡與議題重點。 | 精確觀察議題/問題現象,完整勾勒並分析議題/問題之背景脈絡及現況 | 背景脈絡說明可呈現對議題/問題的觀察,現況分析呈現部分議題/問題之重點。 | 有呈現出議題/問題之背景脈絡,但現況分析較無法呈現議題/問題之重點。 |
無法清楚交代議題/問題之背景脈絡與現況,只能略知一二。 |
2、國U12 從國際性平議題反思自我生活現況,提出自我改進方式。 | 能在生活中展現對跨文化反思的重視(例如:對性平議題的敏覺尊重、檢視自身的性別偏見等)。 |
能舉出國際性平議題實例,強調跨文化反思對於肯認多元文化及促進國際理解的助益。 | 能舉出國際性平議題實例,說明跨文化反思得以消除文化中心主義或文化盲現象的關連。 | 能以性平議題具體事例,說明跨文化反思的重要性。 |
3.國U12 主動針對關鍵問題提出解決方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並發展出得以解決問題的方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並嘗試發展出解決方案。 | 覺察到議題相關的問題,找到一個簡單但不是最好的解決方案。 | 未辨識出議題的問題或忽視問題。 |
4. 國U12分析行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,評估不同行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,比較至少兩個相關行動策略的異同。 | 能針對現存性平議題,分析一個相對應的行動策略。 | 能針對現存性平議題,簡述一個相對應的行動策略。 |
逗陣來~共好運動 (4節)
課程/單元名稱 | 逗陣來~共好運動 | |||
總節數 | 4 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容 (Content)
語言學習內容 (Language of learning)
二、海報內容及要素。 三、海報文案的撰寫。 四、海報設計概念。 五、短文、書信的內容及文本結構。 六、英文書信的撰寫。 七、英文地址的撰寫。 目標字詞 (Target Words):
ban, lifted, limitation, restriction, confinement. 目標句型 (Target Sentences):
一、If the limitation/restriction/confinement were lifted, women would ________(be extremely excited).
二、It is (high) time that _________(the government did something about gender equality).
三、I suggest/propose that _______(everyone should respect the different personalities of different kinds of people).
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
逗陣來~共好運動-海報創作(一) |
一、 說明設計海報的目的和效益。
二、解說設計海報可以使用的軟體slidesgo, canva, padlet。
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U12-1 |
二、檔案評量: 檢視學生海報是否使用目標字詞、句型,並準確傳達自身想法;根據海報美編、排版亦予以評價。
逗陣來~共好運動—海報創作(二) | 第二節
(二)請其他學生專心聆聽並寫Peer evaluation評量單。
二、觀念統整: 世界各角落都有被迫害的性別弱勢團體;同時,也有很多鬥士正在為這些弱勢努力爭取人權性別平等。看到他們的努力,同學們反思,自己可以為國家為世界做什麼,善盡全球公民責任,來幫助這些需要幫助的人,讓世界成為性別友善的環境,為全人類謀求幸福福祉。
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U12-1 |
四、自評及他評: 讓學生填寫自評及他評表。
逗陣來~共好運動—一人一封信 | 第三節
(一)If the limitation/restriction/confinement were lifted, women would ________.
例:If the ban on wearing uniform were lifted, the students would be extremely excited. (二)It is (high) time that ______.
例:It is high time that the government did something about environmental protection. (三)I suggest/propose that ______.
例:Dr. Lee advises that the patient (should) be hospitalized for a close observation in the following few days. |
100 mins |
國U5-1 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U12-1 |
檔案評量:檢視學生書信是否使用目標字詞、句型,並準確傳達自身想法;根據作品美編、排版亦予以評價。 |
逗陣來~共好運動—成果發表 | 第四節
(二)請其他學生專心聆聽並寫Peer evaluation 評量單。
*提醒學生將自己的書信寄出,一封信一股力量,集結眾人之力聚沙成塔,終能有志者事竟成,成就全球永續發展的行動策略。 |
50 mins |
國U5-1 國U9-1 國U10-1 國U12-1 |
三、檔案評量: 根據卡片書信內涵與結構組織、海報設計質感與概念內涵予以評價。
本課程總結性評量之評量規準 (節)
Excellent 優良 100-90分 |
Good job很棒優良 89-80 分 |
Fair不錯 79-70分 |
To be improved 加油 69-60 分 |
1. 國U10分析國際間性平議題的背景脈絡與議題重點。 | 精確觀察議題/問題現象,完整勾勒並分析議題/問題之背景脈絡及現況 | 背景脈絡說明可呈現對議題/問題的觀察,現況分析呈現部分議題/問題之重點。 | 有呈現出議題/問題之背景脈絡,但現況分析較無法呈現議題/問題之重點。 |
無法清楚交代議題/問題之背景脈絡與現況,只能略知一二。 |
2、國U12 從國際性平議題反思自我生活現況,提出自我改進方式。 | 能在生活中展現對跨文化反思的重視(例如:對性平議題的敏覺尊重、檢視自身的性別偏見等)。 |
能舉出國際性平議題實例,強調跨文化反思對於肯認多元文化及促進國際理解的助益。 | 能舉出國際性平議題實例,說明跨文化反思得以消除文化中心主義或文化盲現象的關連。 | 能以性平議題具體事例,說明跨文化反思的重要性。 |
3.國U12 主動針對關鍵問題提出解決方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並發展出得以解決問題的方案。 | 發現議題中的關鍵問題,並嘗試發展出解決方案。 | 覺察到議題相關的問題,找到一個簡單但不是最好的解決方案。 | 未辨識出議題的問題或忽視問題。 |
4. 國U12分析行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,評估不同行動策略的利弊得失。 | 能針對現存性平議題,比較至少兩個相關行動策略的異同。 | 能針對現存性平議題,分析一個相對應的行動策略。 | 能針對現存性平議題,簡述一個相對應的行動策略。 |