英文課程主以口說並帶入日記寫作為總評量方式進行。口說部分在兩堂課中附有充足的時間讓各個學生不論是自己或是小組甚至與教師練習。寫作本身需要大量資料(input, front loading)的輸入故才在後半段進行日記練習再緊接最終日記撰寫。個人而言,前置作業與資料(input, front loading)的輸入為充足,但實際的口說練習(Verbal Skills: “Voice”, “Action Dialogue”, “Vocal Expression”)與寫作(日記撰寫, Writing Skills: “Setting”, “Action” )進步空間頗大亦須加強。
口說: 當學生在小組默讀安妮日記改成各個成員「朗讀」出來這些老師可以添加一些趣味的小花招,如:每次朗讀實必須附加不同的情緒(如:喜,怒,哀,樂…等等順便讓學生學新的英文單字)而倘若郎讀的學生沒有讀出指定的情緒(可由小組員或教師決定),就必須要再念一遍。這些情緒表達與朗讀授課教師必須先示範。評分標準則是拿最後成果先讓學生熟悉並慢慢熟練。
Voice |
Always speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Recorded audio file is easily understood by all audience members all the time |
Usually speaks loudly, slowly, and clearly. Recorded audio file is easily understood by all audience members almost all the time. |
Usually speaks loudly and clearly. Recorded Audio speed is so fast sometimes that audience has trouble understanding. |
- Speaks too softly or mumbles. The audience often has trouble understanding the recorded audio file. |
Acting/Dialogue |
The student uses consistent voices to make the characters more believable and the diary entry more easily understood. |
The student often uses voices, to make the characters more believable and the diary entry more easily understood. |
The student tries to use voices, to make the characters more believable and the diary entry more easily understood. |
The student reads the diary entry but does not use voices, to make the storytelling more interesting or clear. |
Verbal/vocal expression |
-Usually demonstrates variety in volume, tone, pitch, and voice
-Usually describes activities with
precise and colorful vocabulary. |
-Sometimes demonstrates variety
in volume, tone, pitch, and voice.
-Sometimes describes activities
with precise and colorful vocabulary. |
-Speaks without variety in tone, pitch, and voice quality.
-Uses little precise vocabulary when describing activities. |
Little or no verbal or vocal response. |
寫作: 課程接近尾端時授課老師可先帶全班寫些每日生活之瑣碎事件。請學生一一看過所撰寫的句子再挑出形容詞與動詞並用不同的形容詞與動詞把同樣的意思再度寫出來(老師亦可善用此刻來教學生運用英文的同義詞點。老師同時間也可以加入一些英美的片語和說詞)。下課之前學生必須繳交自己原有的句子並修飾過程與最後完成品的句子。評分標準就以最終目標的二戰日記為主即可。
Action |
Several action verbs (active voice) are used to describe what is happening in the story. The story seems exciting! |
Several action verbs are used to describe what is happening in the story, but the word choice does not make the story as exciting as it could be. |
A variety of verbs (passive voice) are used and describe the action accurately but not in a very exciting way. |
Little variety seen in the verbs that are used. The story seems a little boring. |
Setting |
Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the story took place. |
Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story took place. |
The reader can figure out when and where the story took place, but the author did not supply much detail. |
The reader has trouble figuring out when and where the story took place. |
1. 可增加英文文本資料讓學生念誦,討論,分享心得。
2. 可增加讓學生在創作前,說明要創作的主題方向,可以刺激同儕相互學習,激發出更多的主題內容。
3. 可增加學生上台介紹自己的完成作品,鼓勵其用英文解說。
目標 |
關鍵成果 |
質性說明 |
本教材用視覺藝術引領學生進入安妮與阿嬤的世界,召喚人性的悲憫與同理,讓學生學習尊重及包容 |
100% 學生皆受安妮與阿嬤的故事啟發,完成插畫作品,表達個人的想法。 |
學生在作品內容上呈現對安妮日記的認知,能了解其故事內容,並用其創意作品表達對人權、和平、反戰等議題的重視。 |
能創作視覺藝術作品來宣揚人權與社會正義的觀念,並了解藝術在人權及社會正義議題所扮演的角色是不可取代的。 |
20 % 學生能達到優秀等級
40% 學生達到良好等級
20% 學生為普通等級
10% 學生為待改進等級 |
反思個人面對歧視、迫害應有的面對態度。 |