單元名稱 1
1. 課堂即時回饋:理解各國在地食物學校午餐內涵,並回答問題。
2. 任務成果發表:透過小組合作,學生列舉並運用所學在地食物相關字彙與句子,並以雙語發表。
3. 學習單:能設計本國在地食物午餐食譜,提出在地食物飲食行動方案,並以雙語描述感想。
4. 學生互評:能聆聽同儕口頭報告並欣賞其作品發表。
評量基準 |
評量規準 |
A |
B |
C |
1. 學生能搜尋該國在地食物圖片並設計午餐食譜(25%) |
學生能搜尋正確在地食物圖片並設計午餐食譜。 |
學生能搜尋到80%以上正確在地食物圖片並設計午餐食譜。 |
學生僅搜尋到80%以下在地食物圖片並設計午餐食譜。 |
2. 學生能選擇並列舉該國在地食物相關英語字彙(25%) |
學生能正確選擇並列舉在地食物相關英語字彙。 |
學生能80%以上正確選擇並列舉在地食物相關英語字彙。 |
學生僅能80%以下正確選擇並列舉在地食物相關英語字彙。 |
3. 學生能表達所學該國在地食物相關字彙與句子(30%) |
學生能正確且流暢表達所學在地食物相關字彙與句子。 |
學生能80%以上正確表達所學在地食物相關字彙與句子。 |
學生無法正確表達所學在地食物相關字彙與句子。 |
4. 學生能提出在地食物飲食行動方案(20%) |
學生能正確提出在地食物飲食行動方案。 |
學生能80%以上正確提出在地食物飲食行動方案。 |
學生無法正確提出在地食物飲食行動方案。 |
探索臺灣學生午餐School lunch in Taiwan(2節)
教學節次 | 第 1 節~第 2 節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E1了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國E2發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E4了解國際文化的多樣性。 國E5發展學習不同文化的意願。 國E7認識各種國際能力。 國E12觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) | [健康與體育] Ea-Ⅱ-2 飲食搭配、攝取量與家庭飲食型態。 Ea-Ⅱ-3 飲食選擇的影響因素。 [英語文] 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 3-Ⅱ-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。 4-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 5-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 6-Ⅱ-4 認真完成教師交待的作業。 7-Ⅱ-3 能了解課堂中所介紹的國外主要節慶習俗。 8-Ⅱ-1 能夠將所學字詞做簡易歸類。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.認識臺灣學生午餐食物。 2.表達對臺灣學生午餐食物的喜好及味道看法。 3.設計合宜的臺灣學生午餐菜單。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞 target words: Words for food: rice, noodle, vegetable, fish, beef, pork, chicken, egg Words for types of food: vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, dairy. Words for taste: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty 目標句型 target sentence: 1. What do students eat for school lunch in Taiwan? 2. We eat ____, ____, ____, ____ and ___ (name of food) for lunch in Taiwan. 3. I like the ___ (name of food), because it tastes ______ (taste of food). 4. What are the keywords? 5. Please search for it on the internet. |
單元學習目標 | 1.能認識常用搜尋引擎的使用介面與操作方式。 2.能上網搜尋臺灣的學生午餐資訊並分類食物型態。 3.能設計合宜的午餐菜單。 4.能以英語文表達及分享台灣午餐菜單設計,並反思及回饋對該設計看法。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師展示 “School lunches in Taiwan” 臺灣學生午餐簡報,詢問學生從簡報中看到了什麼?你最喜歡哪一種的學生午餐?最後透過小組合作,將白板上腦力激盪出來的單字組成幾句完整句子來描述該張簡報所呈現的臺灣學生午餐內容。教師一共介紹3張臺灣學生午餐內容畫面,每一畫面都以相同流程完成作品討論。
1. Teacher uses target sentence and asks students:
Can you find five foods in this picture?
Students may say:
2. The words for food may be: rice, noodle, vegetable, fish, beef, pork, chicken, egg.
Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen.
Teacher asks students:
Can you describe the taste of food?
Students may say:
The words for taste are: sour, sweet, salty, bitter, spicy.
Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen.
3. Teacher may say:
Now, let’s work in groups. Each group’s task is to use these words (teacher points to the word lists on the screen) and make sentences.
You can start the sentence with
“I like …/ because it tastes …”
Students may say (or write on the worksheets):
I (don’t)like the____ (name of food) for lunch today, because it tastes ____ (taste of food).
教學 簡報 |
學生能運用所學相關字彙,並組織成新句子以回答問題 |
II. Presentation – How to search for school lunch information though internet (25 mins)
1. 老師示範說明如何利用英語多重關鍵字上網搜尋有關臺灣學校午餐資訊。
Teacher may say and demonstrates:
Now, let me show you how to use multiple keywords to search the Internet for lunch information in Taiwan.
讓我們使用google chrome瀏覽器並在其上鍵入多重關鍵字以搜索資訊。
Let's use google chrome browser and type keywords on it to search for information online.
2. Teacher asks
What are the keywords?
Students may answer
The words are “school lunch Taiwan”
Students practice search for it online
3. 教師說明使用照片須注意照片授權條款。教師示範上網至創用cc圖庫網站,並以multiple keywords 上網搜尋有關臺灣午餐食物圖片,並指導學生如何複製、貼上到office 文書軟體之學習單上(worksheets)。
Teacher may say and demonstrates:
The teacher explained that the use of photos must pay attention to the terms of photo authorization.
Let me demonstrate the use of creative cc gallery website and search for relevant food pictures online with multiple keywords .
Teacher asks
What are the keywords?
Students may answer
The words are “school lunch Taiwan”.
Teacher may say and demonstrate
First, we point to the picture, and then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl C to copy the picture. Paste the picture onto the worksheet by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl V.
Students practice search for it online
4. Teacher may say:
Which food for lunch today do you like best?
Can you describe the reason why you like or dislike these foods in three to five related words or in full sentences? Please also fill it on the worksheet.
Students may answer:
I (don‘t) like the____ (name of food) for lunch today, because it tastes ____ (taste of food).
5. Teacher asks
Do you know the type of food we eat today?
Please discuss.
You can also search online.
Students discuss and practice search for it online.
Students may answer
The type of food can be "vegetables", "fruits", "grains", "meat", and "dairy".
6. Teacher may say:
Do you know why we need to eat a variety of foods?
Students may answer:
This is for health reasons.
7. Teacher may say:
Let us design the lunch menu together.
Think about health!
學習單 |
學生能運用所學相關字彙,並組織多重關鍵字以上網搜尋資訊 。
學生能完成學習單所交代任務。 |
III. Practice –Design the lunch menu (35 mins)
1. Teacher may say and demonstrates:
Now let’s search for the food information through the web browser and finish the worksheets.
The lunch menu must match three dishes and soup, and there must be at least four to five types of food.
Please paste the food picture and enter the food description to complete the worksheet for lunch menu design.
2. Students finish worksheets
Teacher hands out worksheets for each group. Ask student to search for information online and finish the worksheet.
3. Worksheets Presentations:
Invite students to share their works.
Record the presentations
I will also record these presentations and upload them to youtube to share with the world.
Students show his/her worksheet and may say:
My name is ______, and I am here to talk to you about“Lunch menu design for students in Taiwan.”
First, we design the lunch menu as shown in the worksheet. The foods of our lunch menu are ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____(name of food).
(such as: rice/ noodle/ vegetable/ fish / beef/ pork/ chicken/ egg)
Second, the food we designed in this menu includes __ (4 or 5) kinds of food, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, dairy and so on.
Third, we especially recommend the ______(food name), because it tastes _______(sweet and sour).
Finally, we believe that we must eat a variety of foods to improve our health.
Thank you all for your attention.
4. Vote for good lunch menu
Teacher asks :
Let us vote for the best lunch menu design. Then, we will record the movie and upload it to youtube to share with the world.
IV. Wrap up (5 mins)
Teacher may make a conclusion:
This course emphasizes that…
1. Each country has a different student lunch format.
2. To improve health, we need to eat a variety of foods.
3. All children should know and have rights to eat good food.
~The End~
學習單 |
學生能總結所學內容 |
參考資料連結 |
1. 台灣小學生吃的「國宴級」午餐
2. 台灣「營養午餐」多元 大陸媒體說讚
探索各國學生午餐 School lunches around the world(2節)
教學節次 | 第3 節~第 4 節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E1了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國E2發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E4了解國際文化的多樣性。 國E5發展學習不同文化的意願。 國E7認識各種國際能力。 國E12觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
Ea-Ⅱ-2 飲食搭配、攝取量與家庭飲食型態。 Ea-Ⅱ-3 飲食選擇的影響因素。 [英語文] 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 3-Ⅱ-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。 4-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 5-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 6-Ⅱ-4 認真完成教師交待的作業。 7-Ⅱ-3 能了解課堂中所介紹的國外主要節慶習俗。 8-Ⅱ-1 能夠將所學字詞做簡易歸類。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.認識各國學生午餐食物。 2.認識各國政府的學童營養午餐政策。 3.了解營養午餐品質對學生的重要性。 4.了解如何採取行動來改善學童營養午餐品質。 5.設計午餐地圖學習單。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞 target words: Words for food: potato, pasta, bread, salad, beef, fish, cheese, grapes, healthy, unhealthy, natural, processed Words for country: France, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Italy 目標句型 target sentence: 1. What is the popular food here in ____(country)? 2. It looks healthy(unhealthy). 3. What’s for school lunch in in ____(country)? 4. They eat ____, ____, ____ and ___ (name of food) for lunch in ____(country). 5. Take actions to improve the school lunch. |
單元學習目標 | 1.能使用網路資源了解各國午餐內容。 2.能了解各國政府的學童營養午餐政策。 3.能了解營養午餐品質對學生的重要性。 4.能設計合宜的各國午餐食物地圖。 5.能了解如何採取行動來改善學童營養午餐品質。 6.能以英語文表達及分享他國午餐菜單設計,並反思及回饋對該設計看法。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師展示“School lunches around the world ”各國學生午餐簡報,詢問學生從簡報中看到了各國受歡迎的食物?並討論該食物是否符合健康原則。最後透過小組合作,將電視上腦力激盪出來的單字組成幾句完整句子來描述該張簡報所呈現的各國食物內容。教師一共介紹4個國家食物內容畫面,每一畫面都以相同流程完成作品討論。 1.Teacher uses target sentence and asks students: Which country is this? Students may say: The country is _______(country name). 2.Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen. 3.Teacher asks students: What ‘s the popular food in this country? Students may say: The foods are potato, cheese and pasta. 4.Teacher asks students: Is the _____(food name) healthy? Students may say: Yes, it is. The food looks natural. (No, it isn’t. The food looks processed.) 5.Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen. 6.Teacher may say: Now, let’s work in groups. Each group’s task is to use these words (teacher points to the word lists on the screen) and make sentences. You can start the sentence with“The popular foods in ____ (country name)are …/ The ____(food) looks …” Students may say (or write on the worksheets): “The popular foods in ____ (country name)are ___,___,___and___./The ____(food) looks healthy (unhealthy) …/because it is natural(processed) food.” |
教學簡報 |
II. Presentation – How to search for school lunch information through internet (25 mins)
教師播放 “School lunches around the world” 短片,透過動畫呈現各國午餐真實內容。接下來,教師介紹幾個國家學校午餐地圖,揭曉這些國家的主食和其農產品以及地形等有很大關係。藉此說明該國學校午餐形成緣由以及該國政府為了改善學校午餐品質所做的努力。請學生回答關於以上各國午餐食物(Food)、農產地圖(Map)及午餐改善行動(Actions)之相關單字及句子,並請各組派代表上台以雙語呈現。
1. Teacher may say:
I am going to play an animation called “School lunches around the world”. The animation shows the true lunches of some countries.
2. Teacher may say:
After watching the video, please do the following things in the worksheet:
(1) What’s for lunch in ___ (country)?
Students may answer
They eat ___, ___, ___, and ___ for school lunch.
(2) Do you think it’s healthy?
Students may answer
“Yes, I think so. It’s natural food.” or “No, I don’t think so. It’s processed food.”
3. Teacher may say:
Some foods in these countries are healthy, and some are not. Now, I will show you some of the efforts made by these governments to improve the quality of school lunches.
4. The teacher introduces the school lunch of each country and explains the reasons for its health or unhealthy.
Teacher may say: Let’s talk about school lunch around the world and the actions we can take to improve the school lunch with this infographic “School lunch Map & Way to improve”.
5. 教師說明使用照片須注意照片授權條款。Can you search online for the food, map of Italy? 你知道該如何上網搜尋關於義大利學校午餐圖片嗎?教師示範上網至創用cc圖庫網站,並以multiple keywords 上網搜尋有關各國午餐食物圖片,並指導學生如何複製、貼上到office 文書軟體之學習單上(worksheets)。
Teacher may say and demonstrates:
The teacher explained that the use of photos must pay attention to the terms of photo authorization.
Let me demonstrate the use of creative cc gallery website and search for relevant food pictures online with multiple keywords.
Teacher asks
What are the multiple keywords?
Students may answer
The words are “school lunch Italy”.
Teacher may say and demonstrate
First, we point to the picture, and then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl C to copy the picture. Paste the picture onto the worksheet by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl V.
Students practice search for it online
6. 教師示範如何利用google map搜尋有關各國地圖等地理資訊並複製地圖到學習單的方法。
Teacher may say and demonstrates:
Now, let me show you how to use google map on the Internet to find food maps of various countries.
7. Teacher may say:
Later let us work out the worksheet together. Think about health!
搜尋引擎 創用cc圖庫
學生能選擇並列舉午餐食物相關英語字彙 |
III. Practice - Lunch Map & Actions (35 mins) 現在請同學在資訊課完成一份以義大利國家為例之 “Lunch Map & Actions”學習單,請同學上網搜尋義大利學校午餐圖、義大利地圖,並且 Choose Actions that you like to improve the school lunch。請各組學生寫出食物(Food)、地圖(Map)之相關單字及句子,並請各組派代表上台以雙語呈現。 1.Teacher may say and demonstrates: Now let’s search for the food information online and finish the worksheets. Please paste the food pictures, the map of Italy, and answer the questions on the ” Lunch Map & Actions” worksheet. 2.Students finish worksheets Teacher hands out worksheets for each group. Ask student to search for information online and finish the worksheet. 3. Worksheets Presentations: Invite students to share their works. Students show his/her worksheet and may say: My name is ______, and I am here to talk to you about “Lunch Map & Actions”.” First, the map of Italy is as shown in the worksheet. Second, the foods for school lunch in ______(name of country) are ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____(name of food).(such as : pasta, bread , salad , fish, and grapes) Third, the lunch in this worksheet includes __ (4 or 5) kinds of food, such as "vegetables", "fruits", "grains", "meat ", "dairy " and so on. Fourth, we especially recommend the ______(food name), because it looks _______(healthy, natural, organic ). Finally, we believe that we students can take actions to improve the quality of school lunch. Thank you all for your attention. IV. Wrap up (5 mins) Teacher may make a conclusion: This course emphasizes that… 1.Each country has a different student lunch format. 2.To improve health, we had better eat natural foods. 3.To improve health, we need to eat a variety of foods. 4.Students can take actions to improve the quality of school lunch. ~The End~ |
學生能表達所學學校午餐相關字彙與句子 |
參考資料連結 |
探索各國學生午餐Analysis student lunches in various countries(2節)
教學節次 | 第5節~第6節 | ||
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 國E1了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國E2發展具國際視野的本土認同。 國E4了解國際文化的多樣性。 國E5發展學習不同文化的意願。 國E7認識各種國際能力。 國E12觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。 |
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) |
Ea-Ⅱ-2 飲食搭配、攝取量與家庭飲食型態。 Ea-Ⅱ-3 飲食選擇的影響因素。 [英語文] 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。 2-Ⅱ-5 能使用簡易的日常生活用語。 3-Ⅱ-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。 4-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。 5-Ⅱ-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題。 6-Ⅱ-4 認真完成教師交待的作業。 7-Ⅱ-3 能了解課堂中所介紹的國外主要節慶習俗。 8-Ⅱ-1 能夠將所學字詞做簡易歸類。 |
校訂國際教育 雙語課程內容 |
領域學習內容 Content | ||
1.認識各國在地食物。 2.了解食物全球化的好處以及壞處。 3.了解推動在地食物飲食的原因。 4.了解各國推行在地食物飲食的活動。 5了解臺灣在地好食材。 6.設計合宜的臺灣在地食物午餐菜單。 |
語言學習內容 Language of Learning | |||
目標字詞 target words:
Words for food: cabbage, olives, duck, peas, orange, fresh, nutritious, flavor. Words for Five continents: east, west, south, north, Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania 目標句型 target sentence: 1. What is the local food for lunch in ____ (continents)? 2. Why eating local? 3. Because it is fresh/ more nutritious, has more flavor. 4. Please design the local food lunch menu. 5. Take actions to eat local food. |
單元學習目標 |
2.能了解食用在地食物好處。 3.能設計在地食物午餐菜單。 4.能認識可行的在地食物飲食行動。 5.能以英語文表達及分享在地食物午餐菜單設計,並反思及回饋對該設計看法。 |
教學步驟 | 引導作法 | 教學資源 | 認知能力 |
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師展示“Interactive crop map”互動式農作物地圖網頁,詢問學生從簡報中看到了哪些在地食材?如何形容這些在地食材?教師一共介紹3張在地食材內容畫面,每一畫面都以相同流程完成作品討論。
1. Teacher uses target sentence and asks students:
Which food do you see in this photo?
Students may say:
Apples, Grapes, Cabbage, Olives, Rice.
2. Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen.
3. Teacher asks students:
Where does the ___ (food) come from?
Students may say:
It comes from ___ (East, West, South, North, Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania).
4. Teacher repeat the words, and show them on the screen.
5. Teacher may ask:
(2) What are the local foods in __(continent)? Students may answer
They are ___, ___, ___, and ___.
(3) Can you describe the locally grown food in 3 words?
Students may answer
The words for the locally grown food are: flavor, nutritious, fresh.
6. Teacher repeat the words, and then write them on the screen.
7. Teacher may say:
Now, let’s work in groups. Each group’s task is to use these words (teacher points to the word lists on the screen) and make sentences to describe the locally grown food. You can start the sentence with “The local foods in ____(continent) is ___, ___, ___.”
Students may say (or write on the screen):
The local foods in ____(continent) is ___, ___, ___.” The locally grown food here looks fresher. The locally grown food may have more flavor. The locally grown food is more nutritious
Interactive crop map互動式農作物地圖網頁provided by國際生物多樣性組織提供 |
學生能運用所學相關字彙,並組織成新句子 |
II. Presentation – How to search for Food’s Carbon Footprint information through internet (25 mins)
教師播放 “Eating Global? Eating Local?” 簡報,透過簡報呈現歐、美、日等幾個國家Eating Local 學校午餐飲食內涵,揭曉這些國家的鼓勵在地飲食政策。藉此說明讓學生了解食用在地食物好處。請學生回答關於以上關於Local Food之相關單字及句子,並請各組派代表上台以雙語呈現。
1. Teacher may say:
I am going to show a presentation called “Eating Global? Eating Local? ” The presentation shows the locally grown food diet of some countries.
2. Teacher may say:
What’s the reason to eat local food?
Locally grown food is full of flavor.
Eating local food is eating seasonally.
Local food has more nutrients.
Local food supports the local economy.
Local food benefits the environment.
Local foods promote a safer food supply.
3. Teacher repeat the words, and then write them on the screen.
4. Teacher may say:
Some countries are committed to promote using local food. Now, I will show you some of the efforts made by these governments to improve the quality of school lunches.
5. Teacher may say:
Let me introduce the ”Let’s Eat, the Taiwan Way” Interactive web.You may interact with the web to choose the local seasonal food in Taiwan. 讓我介紹你 ” Let’s Eat, the Taiwan Way” 互動式網頁,在此,你可以透過該網頁互動方式找到台灣當地及當季的食材,我們可以利此互動是網頁來完成以下學習單。教師介紹此互動式網站搜尋資料的方法。
Students practice.
6. The teacher explains this infographic “Design your Local Food Lunch Menu and Actions”.
Teacher may say: Let’s use the interactive food map web and the interactive local food web to design the Taiwanese local food lunch menu. Then please think about the actions we can take to eat local.
7. Teacher may say:
Later let us work out the worksheet together. Think about health!
天下雜誌幸福台灣味Interactive web
圖表 |
III. Practice - Design your Local Food Lunch Menu and Actions (35 mins) 現在請同學在資訊課完成一份 “Design your Local Food Lunch Menu and Actions”學習單,請同學上網搜尋臺灣在地食物午餐內容,並選擇你喜歡的在地食物飲食行動。請各組學生寫出食物(Food)之相關單字及句子,並請各組派代表上台以雙語呈現。 1.Teacher may say and demonstrates: Now let’s search for the food information online and finish the worksheets. Please paste the local food pictures to the plate and answer the questions on the” Design your Local Food Lunch Menu and Actions” worksheet. 2.Students search information online Teacher hands out worksheets for each group. Ask students and peers to search for information online. 3. Worksheets Presentations: Invite students from each group and share their works. Students show his/her worksheet and may say: My name is ______, and I am here to talk to you about “Design your Local Food Lunch Menu and Actions” First, the local food menu design of Taiwan is as shown in the worksheet. Second, the local foods of the menu are ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____(name of food).(such as : rice/ cabbage/ duck /peas / orange ) Third, the lunch in this worksheet includes __ (4 or 5) kinds of food, such as "vegetables", "fruits", "grains", "meat" and so on. . Finally, we believe that we students can take actions to improve the quality of school lunch. Thank you all for your attention. |
參考資料連結 |
https://topic.cw.com.tw/anniversary/2017/ 天下雜誌幸福台灣味