交流方案名稱 | 台日合作課程專題交流計畫(ICCE) |
交流單位 |
中譯:日本京都府立京都昴星高校 Kyoto Prefectural Subaru High School 住所:〒612-8156 京都市伏見区向島西定請120 TEL:(81)75-621-8156 |
交流單位/平台/會議/競賽簡介 |
相關領域/科目 | 國際貿易科 |
實施對象 | 參加視訊課程、互訪交流之學生(高一、高二) |
校內自訂預期成果(SLHS Expected results) |
To create educational exchanges between the students of both schools, establish the communication channels in the future, and enhance the friendly relationship between both schools.
To interact with both schools, present the internationalization of schools, and understand international trends. In addition, to enhance foreign language ability and international etiquette, expand the international vision and humanistic quality of teachers and students, and create an international teaching environment in schools.
Through a variety of event designs, enhance international understanding. In addition, from observation and experience, develop the international ability of students, and learn international literacy, cultivate global competitiveness, and responsibility.
Through education exchanges, both schools will further benefit from the exchange of international education travel, and make students to gain valuable experience from educational travels.
Enhance the foreign language ability of teachers and students, and augment the international knowledge of teachers and students, and open up a global vision of teachers and students.
Through international cultural exchanges, enrich students’ minds and motivate them to explore the world.
Establish sister schools, and further exchange students, exchange teachers, exchange course or credits, etc.
國際教育議題實質內涵 | 轉化學習目標 |
國U03-1 | 和姊妹校同步視訊,兩校組員針對商品包裝設計與商品銷售的模式、地區文化情境討論,並分享環境永續保護的做法。 |
國U03-2 | 討論受疫情影響下可行的行銷方式與進行,如何能減緩衝擊進而永續發展。 |
國U05-1 | 能藉由理解台日商業經營文化差異,反思並能說明台灣商品設計與商店商業經營模式。 |
國U09-1 | 和姊妹校同步視訊進行主題設計與行銷的內容,了解兩國之間生活上的異同,進而能了解對方文化與差異後,進行針對學習目標的溝通與討論。 |
國U11-1 | 與日本同學討論商品原料來源與製造皆為全球化共通非僅限國內,再進一步了解全球化的分工與相互依存性。 |