單元名稱 3
於珍惜水資源,節水看得見(Be water wise)(單元三)根據國 J12-1 拍攝「珍愛水資源,節水看得見」的影片。 影片中必須必須呈現出以下兩點:第一:台灣在與世界比較下,目前缺水的情況。第二: 列舉出至少兩項可以落實在生活中的省水行動。
Water shortage in Taiwan and Singapore(4節)
課程/單元名稱 | Water shortage in Taiwan and Singapore | |||
總節數 | 4 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容(Content) 本課程從氣候變遷所帶來的極端氣候造成台灣旱澇不均的現象開始談起,並且介紹新加坡水資源利用的狀況,讓學生透過了解進而思考台灣是否可以從他國經驗中,找到台灣可引用的水資源管理運用方法,接著教導學生分辨虛擬水和水足跡,並且計算自己的水足跡且規劃自己的節水挑戰。最後請學生製作「珍惜水資源,節水看得見」的節水影片,並且在校內採聯合公播,宣導愛水節水的理念。 語言學習內容(Language of learning) 目標字詞 target words water shortage, drought,water rationing, reservoir 目標句型 target sentences because e.g. We have less and less rain because the climate changes. e.g. We may charge more money for water because people don't cherish water. |
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
Water Shortage in Taiwan and Singapore Period 1-2 |
Period 1-2: Water shortage in Taiwan Warm-up activity: T: (Look at the first picture of U1 PPT)What happened in this picture? Where may this place be?
(Ss may answer it in Chinese and T translate it in English. keyword: reservoir/drought/water shortage) T: (Look at the second picture of U1 PPT)
What are these people doing in the picture? Why are they doing so? (Ss may answer: "They are lining up to get water because there's a water rationing; There are water rationing because we have a drought. T: Write down the four keywords on the blackboard (drought/ reservoir/water rationing) and start to enter today's topic: Water Shortage in Taiwan.
Main activity - News Reading
T: Before reading the news, we have to elarn some vocabulary in the news to help you understand the news easily.
T: Please readd worksheet U1-1 and fill in the blank of each question. You have five minutes and later we'll check the answers.
(Ss start to fill in the blank. If they don't know the word in the sentence, they can look them up online.) T: After checking the answers, now we are going to read the news online. While you are reading, please look for the answers to the question in your worksheet from the news. If you don't know the answer, you can look up the word online.
(After checking the answer, T leads students to draw the structure of this news in worksheet U1-1)
Wrap up activity
1. T summarize why Taiwan is short of water, and introduce what Ss are going to do in the next class.
2. T asks Ss to bring earphones next class.
90 mins | 國 J1-1 | 學生能讀懂台灣缺水狀況的文章並且完成學習單。 |
Water Shortage in Taiwan and Singapore Period 3-4 |
Period 3-4: Water shortage in Singapore Warm-up activity 1. T asks Ss to read an article written in Chinese about water shortage in Sinagpore.
2. T asks Ss to have a group discussion to analy the similar and different reasons for water shortage between Taiwan adn Singapore and complete the Venn.
Main activity 1: Water Story in Singapore
Part 1: Understand the video "Water Story in Singapore"
T plays the video "Water Story in Singapore" one time for Ss, and T asks each group to be responsible for a small part of the video - Water Story in Singapore and T explains how to run this activity to students.
T: Please look at your worksheet U1-2 and find the part of the video your group is responsible for. I'll give you five minutes to listen to your group part again and again untild you can understand most of your part. You can read the main idea and keywords listed on the worksheet before you watch the video. It can help you understand the video more easily.
T: Here are the steps for this activity.
Step 1: Watch the video repeated until you understand it.
Step 2: Discuss with your group members to double-check your understanding of the video is correct and write them down on your worksheet.
Step 3: Each group sends a member to introduce their own part to the class and other groups need to take notes on the worksheet to understand the whole picture of this video.
Part 2: Group discussion
T: After getting the whole picture of the video, please discuss the following questions in the group:
1. What can we learn from Singapore?
(Ss may say, We can have desalination because we are also an island.) 2. Can we copy their ways of dealing with water shortage? Why or why not?
(Ss may say, We can not use the way of buying water from other countries because it's difficult to build a pipe.) (Ss may say, We can learn how to make New Water from them because we can collect waste water and reuse it.) Wrap-up activity
T summarizes what Ss have learned today and introduces what Ss is going to do in the next class.
90 min
國 J2-1
國 J8-1 |
根據國 J12-1 拍攝「珍愛水資源,節水看得見」的影片。影片中必須必須呈現出以下兩點:
Be water-wise(2節)
課程/單元名稱 | 珍惜水資源,節水看得見(Be water wise) | |||
總節數 | 2 | |||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容(Content) 本課程從氣候變遷所帶來的極端氣候造成台灣旱澇不均的現象開始談起,並且介紹新加坡水資源利用的狀況讓學生透過了解進而思考台灣是否可以從他國經驗中,找到台灣可引用的水資源管理運用方法,接著教導學生辨虛擬水和水足跡,並且計算自己的水足跡且規劃自己的節水挑戰。最後請學生製作「珍惜水資源,節水看見」的節水影片,並且在校內採聯合公播,宣導愛水節水的理念。 一、虛擬水與水足跡的意涵。 二、個人用水習慣的檢視與改變方向。 語言學習內容(Language of learning) 目標字詞target words virtual water, water footprint 目標句型target sentences: Do you + V. + O.? e.g. Do you have low-flow shower heads? How / Where /What do you +V. + O.? e.g. How do you wash your dishes? How long / How often do you+ V. + O.? e.g. How long do you leave your bathroom faucets running each day? |
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 |
Unit 2: Be Water Wise Period 1 |
Period 5: Defination of Virtual Water and Water Footprint Warm-up activity T: "What can you see in the picture? Do you see the sign next to the bin? Why does it say "You can save 2,500 liters of water when you recycle one t-shirt" ?"
T summarizes students answer and writes down the idea of "virtual water" and "water footprint" on the blackboard.
Main activity 1: Virtual Water
T: Please use your ipad to scan the qrcode on PPT. This video is talking aboutthe idea of "virtual water." After you watch the video, I'll draw a lot to decide who is going to summarize the main idea of this video. You have 5 minutes to finish your job. (After Ss watch the video, T draws a lot to decide who is going to summarize the concept of virtual water.)
T: Can you telll us what virtual water is?(Ss may say: You can not see virtual water,but in fact you use it when you buy products.)
Main activity2: Water footprint
T: Now we are going to watch another video about water footprint. Please use your ipad to scan the qr code. Before watching the video, please read the two questions on the slide:
1. According to this video, where is water on earth's surface(表面)?
2. What are the three kinds of water footprint? We'll check the answers together after you watch your video.”
T: Now, we pick up two students to answer the two questions. The first one is to answer question 1 and the other one is to answer question 2.
Wrap-up activity
(For question 1: the correct answer is, 97% is from oceans; 2% is from ice caps and 1% is from lakes, ponds, rivers. For question 2: Green Water/ Blue Water and Gray Water. and T further asks Ss what Green Water, Blue Water, and Gray Water is?) (Ss may say: Plants can save water and green water is from them.", "Fresh water in lakes or rivers is called blue water. We use gray water to clean our environment if our environment is polluted.) T summarizes what Ss have learned today and introduces what Ss are going to do in the next class.
45 mins | 國 J10-1 | 學生能說出虛擬水與水足跡的概念。 |
Unit 2: Be Water Wise Period 2 |
Period 6: Calculate your water footprint Warm-up activity T asks Ss to scan the QR code and enter the water footprint website.
Main activity:
1. T teaches students the questions that they are going to answer on the website first. When teaching students these questions, T also teaches them related sentence patterns and vocabulary. Here are some example questions and Ss' probable answers.
T asks: Do you take baths? If so, how often?
Student may say: Yes, two times a week. T asks: How long is the average shower in your household? Student may say: I took shower for 30 minutes. T asks: How do you do your laundry? Student may say: I do my laundry by a washing machine." 2. After Ss understand all the questions they are going to answer, Ss can go to the website and start to fill in the questionnaire.
3. After they finish their questionnaire, they have to fill in their result on Google form. And write down reflection of the results and the ways they are going to take to reduce their water footprint.
4. T shows everyone's result to the Ss and discuss everyone's result.
Wrap-up activity
T summarize what Ss have learnt today and introduce what Ss are going to do in the next class.
45 mins 。 |
國 J10-1 |
根據國 J12-1 拍攝「珍愛水資源,節水看得見」的影片。 影片中必須必須呈現出以下兩點:
第二: 列舉出至少兩項可以落實在生活中的省水行動。
第二: 列舉出至少兩項可以落實在生活中的省水行動。
優良*1 | 佳 *0.8 | 可*0.6 | 待加強 *0.4 | |
國 J1 理解我國發展和全球之關聯性。 25% |
PSA 能清楚透過台灣與世界在水資源上的比較,凸顯台灣缺水問題。 | PSA 能舉出國外水資源現狀,與台灣水資源現狀, 但兩者之前未做清楚連結。 |
PSA 只舉出國外水資源現狀或台灣水資源現狀其中一個。 | PSA 未能舉出國外水資源現狀或台灣水資源現狀。 |
國 J2 發展國際視野的國家意識。 國 J12 探索全球議題,並構思永續發展的在地行動方案。 25% |
PSA 能展現他國省水方式,並連結到台灣做比較或分析,列出符合台灣民情的節水方式。 |
PSA 能展現他國省水方式,與台灣省水方式,但並未做比較或分析,找出符合台灣民情的省水式。 | PSA 僅展現台灣地區的省水方式。 |
PSA 未列出可行的節水作法 |
表現手法 30 分 |
PSA 表現手法與別人不同,敘述的方式與影片素材使用富創意且具吸引力。 | PSA 表現手法仿作他人,但敘述的方式與媒材富創意且具吸引力。 | PSA 影片完整呈現,但表現手法或敘述媒材使用 平鋪直敘。 |
團隊合作 (自評項目) 20 分 |
我在團隊中能仔細聆聽別人說話,並且發表自己的看法。能準時完成自己的工作,並且協助人。 | 我在團隊中能仔細聆聽別人說話,並且發表自己的看法。能準時完成自己的工作。 |
我在團隊中,能仔細聆聽別人說話,並能準時完 成自己的工作。 |
我在團隊中鮮少與別人互動,對於自己分內的工 作也無法準時完成。 |
向度 | 向度1:內容切題 | 向度2:表現手法 | 向度3:自評(個別成績) |
分項分數 | |||
個人總分 | 向度1+向度2+向度3=____________ |
Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA)(4節)
課程/單元名稱 | Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA) | ||||
總節數 | 4 | ||||
課程內容 | 領域學習內容(Content) 本課程從氣候變遷所帶來的極端氣候造成台灣旱澇不均的現象開始談起,並且介紹新加坡水資源利用的狀況,讓學生透過了解進而思考台灣是否可以從他國經驗中,找到台灣可引用的水資源管理運用方法,接著教導學生分辨虛擬水和水足跡,並且計算自己的水足跡且規劃自己的節水挑戰。最後請學生製作「珍惜水資源,節水看得見」的節水影片,並且在校內採聯合公播,宣導愛水節水的理念。 語言學習內容(Language of learning) 目標字詞target words public service announcement (PSA), cherish 目標句型target sentences I save water by +(not) N/Ving e.g. I save water by eating less meat. |
教學活動 | 內容簡述 | 教學時數 | 學生學習目標 | 評量方式 | |
Unit 3 Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA)-Period 1 | Period 1: What is a Public Service Announcement (PSA)? Warm-up activity T explains what a PSA is, and the best PSA will be played on campus TV to help raise awareness of "Cherish Water and Save Water"
Main activity
1. T plays 10 successful PSA to Ss and ask Ss to write down the topic of the PSAs, the feeling they have for the PSAs, and mark how much they like the PSAs.
2. T introduces the topic of our PAS — "Cherish Water and Save Water" (珍惜水資源,節水看得見)。 Make 2-minute PSA. Ss need to present ways of cherishing or saving water.
They have to make a PSA in English and show ways to both cherish water and save water in their PSA
3. T asks Ss: Why do we need to cherish water in Taiwan?
Ss may say: Because we often have water shortage in summer.
4. T asks Ss: How do you save water after the questionnaire?
Ss may answer: I can save water by eating less meat.
T asks Ss: What else? Ss may answer: I can save water by taking a shower not a bath. 5. T suggests Ss to show why we have to save water and their ways of saving water in their PSA.
6. Group discussion time:
(1) Topic of their PSA
Wrap-up activity
(2) Work assignment of their PSA (3) Schedule of making their PSA T asks Ss to do some surveys at home to decide what they are going to present in their PSA.
45 mins | 國 J12-1 | 學生能規劃出拍攝PSA 的步驟:
三、寫下製作 PSA流程時間表
Unit 3 Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA)-Period 2 and Period 3 | Period 2-3: PSA discussion Warm-up activity: T explains the PSA rubrics to Ss, so that Ss know how to get good grades in their PSA. Main activity 1. Ss discuss in groups together. T goes to each group to give helps to Ss.
2. If Ss do not have any ideas, T can give Ss some possible ideas.
3. T reminds Ss to complete their worksheets:
(1) Work assignment of their PSA
Wrap-up activity
(2) Schedule of making their PSA T reminds Ss to finish their PSA next week and have to give the teacher their PSA at the beginning of the next class.
90mins |
國 J12-1 |
Unit 3 Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA)-Period 4 | Period 4—PSA Presentation Warm-up activity 1. T tell Ss that their PSA will evaluated by PSA rubrics.
2. Each group gives a comment after each PSA. Their comments should include the good point and how to make the PSA better.
Main activity
1. Each group takes turns presenting their PSA.
2. Each group takes turns giving their comments.
Wrap-up activity
1. Each student write down their self evaluation on the PSA rubric, and then turns in to the teacher.
2. Encourage Ss to make it a habit to cherish the water and save water.
3. The best PSA will be played on campus TV to help raise awareness of "Cherish Water and Save Water"
45mins |
國 J12-1 | 拍攝「珍愛水資源,節水看得見」的影片。 影片中必須呈現出以下兩點:第一:台灣在與世界比較下,目前缺水的情況。第二: 列舉出至少兩項可以落實在生活中的省水行動。 |