國際教育議題實質內涵 學習目標 學習評量方式
國J2 發展國際視野的國家意識
  1. 學生能在行前訓練課程的分組討論中,清楚地說明臺灣海洋生態、與新北市海岸線獨特地理環境特色。
  2. 學生舉出3個例子向英國師生介紹臺灣海洋生態保育於世界舞台上足以感到自信與驕傲的成就 (例如:稀有物種保護等等)。
  1. 教師觀察
  2. 學習單 
  3. 小組任務主題簡報報告 
國J5 尊重與欣賞世界不同文化的價值
  1. 能透過網際網路蒐集資料,比較臺灣海洋生態與英國海洋生態異同特色與文化背景。
  2. 學生能於討論中,分享其對於英國不同文化的看法與客觀評價。
  1. 學習單
  2. 製作簡報或電子書分享
  3. 製作影片
國J8 覺察外語與探究學習對國際能力養成的重要性
  1. 學生能於行前教育課程中,瞭解交流時所可能使用到的外語用詞、行為表現與應對禮儀。
  2. 學生在進行國際線上交流過程,能以英文自我介紹及學校簡介,以及簡單打招呼、自我介紹、 展現出合宜的行為與禮節。
  1. 教師觀察 
  2. 小組任務主題簡報報告 
  3. 參訪學習歷程檔案 
國J10 了解全球永續發展之理念
  1. 學生能瞭解聯合國永續發展目標之海洋與城市永續之細項目標。
  2. 學生能說出至少三個實踐海洋與城市永續的方法。
  1. 教師觀察
  2. 學生自評互評 
  3. 心得省思報告

學生完成比例皆為90% 以上。
學習到了怎麼用voki製作虛擬替身並錄音變成一個影片。在視訊的時候還學到了如何用英文提問以及練習上台說英語,讓自信心更多。在視訊時還遇到很多國家,有日本、巴勒斯坦、哈薩克、土耳其、印度、巴林,大家都很熱情,日本向我們介紹的東西也很多元像是:壽司、章魚燒、 天婦羅 看起來都非常美味。 
之前在探討海洋問題時,老師還帶我們去淨灘,雖然在撿垃圾時很累,但最後在八里逛街時卻格外開心,也理解了垃圾分類等... 老師在上課時還為我們介紹繪本,裡面有講到河川污染之類的... 讓我們認識很多關於河川污染的英文,後來還寫了學習單,就是把重點抄下來,有老師帶著我們寫,就不至於到不知道怎麼寫,不會的單字問老師老師也會告訴我們。最後的收穫有很多,雖然記不下全部的單字,但是至少學到了其他知識。 
Ms. Wu took us to the aquarium in Taoyuan. There are a lot of ocean animals, such us jellyfishes, penguins...One more time, the teacher also invited the lecturer to help us understand ecology. At last, we also learned how to make beautiful handicrafts. In the class. Ms. Wu taught us about joining the video conferences by practicing speaking English. We also write postcards in English. We also learned how to use canva for doing presentations. Ms. Wu also taught us how to use coolEnglish talk to AI,practice speaking sentences . From her class, I learned a lot of  knowledge about improving my English skills.
我是Frank在雙語課上,我學會瞭如何與世界各地的外國人交流,提高我們的國際交流能力,以及使用平板電腦製作演示文稿、電影和書寫明信片. 我們還參加了淨灘活動,學習瞭如何回收利用。我學到了很多英語單詞,所以我的英語越來越好。謝謝。 
Hello, I am Frank. Now I am going to tell you my feedbacks. In the bilingual classes, I have learned how to communicate with foreigners around the world, improve our international communication skills, and use tablets to make presentations, films, and postcards. And we also went to a beach cleanup and learned how to do recycle. I have learned a lot of English words, so that my English is getting better and better. Thank you for your time.
In Ms. Wu’s class, we can make friends with foreigners, learn English and learn the culture from the other countries. For example, I learned that the Palestinian people wear hijabs. In teacher Wu’s class, I also went to clean the beach, learn how to protect the environment, and learn about SDGS-14. In Ms. Wu’s class, I learned how to make PowerPoints. Last time, we had a meeting with Japan, it was very interesting. We also use Al to learn English like CoolE bot, ChatGPT also help us in the class. Ms. Wu training our abilities. I am so happy that Ms. Wu can teach me.   
在吳老師的課我們可以和外國人交朋友 學英文 還可以學習外國人的文化 像是在巴勒斯坦 有穆斯林的回教徒,所以他們要帶頭巾。 在老師的課中 我還去八里淨灘 學習怎麼保護環境以及認識SDGS14 做簡報。老師一直訓練我們的能力 能被他教到真是我的榮幸。有一次我們和日本的學校視訊 他們介紹了日本當地的食物 像是壽司 大阪燒... ...。上次我們使用Cool English的 CoolE bot並且讓微軟拍攝紀錄。我們還有一次和巴林的學生視訊 大家都表現得很好 我們還玩猜謎, 我在雙語班留下許多在珍貴的回憶 也多了許多成就。
I learned a lot of knowledges in Bilingual class , and I went to the beach to clean up the beach. I saw a lot of rubbish and felt that they were unscrupulous and littered. But the process of cleaning the beach was very interesting. We have video conferences  with many countries, communicated with them, and trained our speaking skills.We video conferences  with many countries, including Turkey, Bahrain, Palestine, Japan, India, Kazakhs and many. The Japanese have shared some of their famous food with us. Thank you teacher for letting us learned Knowledge and the world. 
In Ms. Wu's class. I learned a lot of from the video conferences with foreigner friends. First, practice how to speak the word correctly. Second, be brave on the stage. Third, before doing the presentation, make sure you can speak fluently. Thank you, Ms. Wu.
In the bilingual classes, I have learned how to write postcards introduce Taiwanese culture to foreigners.  Besides this, we went to the X-park aquarium. I saw many marine animals, like penguins, jellyfish and other cute animals. It was really interesting. I hope that we can protect marine animals.  Protecting the ocean needs you and me. 
我學到很多關於簡報和學到其他國家的文化,例如:在日本是穿整齊的制服。 我的口說能力可以更加油. 我在課程中學到了拍片、寫明信片、用Canva 做簡報、很多國家的文化和習慣、宗教信仰等等......,其中跟我們視訊讓最印象深刻的國家是日本🇯🇵,因為我想向他們做的簡學習,還有因為我非常喜歡日本的文化,他們說明的很清楚,(他們的大阪燒、章魚燒和壽司看起來很好吃😋)除了視訊之外,我們還製作了海洋的簡報,我和Janie做的是為什麼海洋在求救(Why the ocean is calling help) ,然後我也在其他學生的簡報中學到很多東西,例如:為什麼台灣不制訂海洋保護法?和珊瑚白化的過程是怎樣的?等等的知識,除了做簡報之外,我們也有去淨灘,幫忙撿垃圾,在淨灘的過程中,我發現有很多人抽完菸,煙蒂都亂丟,甚至還有人把玻璃瓶和洗髮精用剩的瓶子丟在海灘上,然後美玲老師也有教我們用鳳梨做環保洗碗精和請環保署來為我們解釋,所以海洋生物很多都瀕臨絕種的危機。
In  Ms. Wu's class I learned about the culture and the official languages from many countries.   In the process of the video conferences with Japan, I learned the common food in  Japan  is sushi.  I can also try to communicate with other countries and learn how to raise some questions. Sometimes I can't understand what they are saying, so I need to listen to more English from different countries. In the class, the teacher taught us how to make presentation and how to write postcards for making friends with foreigners. If I go abroad in the future, the class will help me a lot.
從吳老師的課中,視訊裡知道國家特色像巴勒斯坦的穆斯林回教徒要帶頭紗。國家美食像日本的壽司、章魚燒⋯ 我學到了如何問問題、報告,甚至可以互動玩小遊戲,還知道國家的國旗顏色、地理位置與特有的生物、地形⋯等等。 其他的事情,像是做報告中學到了如何排版、字體大小及排放、擺放適當的圖片、顏色的管控。內容中學到了像是珊瑚白化可以如何預防,例如:可以做5R在我們的生活當中、可以淨灘、還可以少用塑膠與一次性用具,並且垃圾不要亂丟 。此外,到戶外學習時也同樣學到很多,到海洋博物館看到了許多沒有看過海洋的動物與生物,學到了牠們的名字,還有簡介中介紹了很多關於牠們的物務,還有海報特別的可愛。實際去進行淨灘看到了許多垃圾,其中煙蒂是最多的,還有很多像是寶特瓶、瓶蓋、紙盒、塑膠、玻璃和衛生紙...,也體會到了清潔人員的幸苦,告訴我們不要隨意亂丟這些垃圾會污染身邊的環境。 
In Ms. Wu’s teacher's class, we learned how to film and clip. Sometimes we will use Cool English for class. There are many interesting programs in it, a lot we have learned. We will also interact during the video conferences, such as asking questions to guess the country, playing small games, and introducing our own country. Let's get to know each other's country or even school. We use PowerPoint and Canva to do reports, I like Canva the most because it has many small stickers. I learned a lot of useful things in these interesting courses.
在這學期的雙語我們做了很多事,例如和國外視訊,和他們視訊超開心的,日本會和我們介紹他們的特色美食,巴勒斯坦的學生和我們玩遊戲,哈薩克的學生還會和我們比愛心,超可愛的!除了視訊,我們還去巴黎左岸做淨灘,和去海洋博物館認識海洋生物,但是我在雙語上課過程中我發現還有很多單字聽不懂,希望我下次都可以聽懂!  因為如果都懂單字或句子的話這對我們的未來 非常有幫助!我們可以交各國的朋友還可以學習各國獨特的文化&歷史!雙語課對我們幫助很大! During the bilingual classes  this semester, we have learned the culture from many countries, and I also learned a lot  about ocean. Bilingual education  has helped me a lot!I hope I can learn more about bilingual education  the word correctly in the future!
It is a very precious oppopruntity for us to come to the front to talk in video conferences with foreigners. I should practice more often in order to speak more fluently.  I should be more active, instead of hoping that the teacher will not call on me.
我在吳老師的這一堂課, 我學到了很多關於海洋的議題, 我也跟別的國家一起視訊,上美玲老師的課還能讓我們學到一些英文單字,我在這一個課也寫了明信片給別的國家, 有一些單字我都不會念,所以我會去查,我在最近日本的視訊中我學到的是日本的文化,我們也在巴勒斯坦視訊,我們有跟他們猜海底動物,我們也使用voki來自我介紹,微軟也有來我們學校錄影,我們用了CoolE BOT,也帶我們去淨攤。 
In Ms. Wu’s class, I learned about how to protect the ocean. I also have a video conference with many other countries, in Ms. Wu’s class, I can also learn many vocabularies, we also wrote a letter to other countries, I can’t spell some words, so I search for it. Recently we had a video conference with Japan, we learned the culture of Japan, we also have a video conference with Palestine. We guessed the ocean animals, we also used voki for self-introduction, Microsoft also came to our school for recording, we used CoolE bot, and we cleaned beach.
When video conferencing with different countries, I found that the language of each country is different. Every country speaks a different language. Each country has different customs, and each video conference taught me a lot of new knowledge. Taking classes here has really improved my English. 
When video chatting with different countries, I found that the language of each country is different. Every country has different customs and scenery. Every time I have a video conference, I have learned a lot of new things. We will also introduce Taiwanese culture to them. I really learned a lot when I came here to take classes. I got to know different countries and my English ability got better and better.